Jersey City Mayor Fulop endorses Andy Kim for U.S. Senate and suggests Murphy to drop out of the race, according to Insider NJ

Jersey City Mayor Fulop endorses Andy Kim for U.S. Senate and suggests Murphy to drop out of the race, according to Insider NJ

Mayor Steven Fulop is releasing the following statement on New Jersey’s U.S. Senate Primary:

“I was an early supporter of Tammy Murphy for Senate but it’s no secret I’ve been disappointed with the campaign and how it has been conducted. I’ve expressed that over the last two months repeatedly both privately and publicly, and at this point, it’s clear to me that I was wrong with my early support and endorsement of Tammy Murphy for Senate.

“After watching the county conventions, I believe that Andy Kim has proven that he’s the better candidate, with a clearer message, and he brings a better chance of success in November. It’s never easy to admit when mistakes are made, but I should have waited longer before endorsing.

“Clearly, this campaign has become a catalyst for the backbone of the Democratic Party to be saying loud and clear that things need to change in New Jersey. I agree with them.

“At this point, I don’t think it’s in the state’s best interest for Tammy to continue her campaign. As the Mayor of Jersey City, I’ll do what I think is right and advocate for Andy Kim to my constituents as the best choice as the next U.S. Senator.”

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Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop recently made headlines when he announced his endorsement of Andy Kim for U.S. Senate in the upcoming election. Fulop’s endorsement came as a surprise to many, as Kim is not a well-known figure in New Jersey politics. However, Fulop’s decision to back Kim over incumbent Governor Phil Murphy has sparked controversy and speculation about the future of the Democratic Party in the state.

In his endorsement of Kim, Fulop cited the need for new leadership and fresh ideas in Washington. He praised Kim’s background as a former national security advisor and highlighted his commitment to working across party lines to get things done. Fulop also expressed concerns about Murphy’s handling of key issues such as taxes, education, and healthcare, suggesting that the governor’s policies have not been effective in addressing the needs of New Jersey residents.

Fulop’s endorsement of Kim has raised questions about the state of the Democratic Party in New Jersey and the potential for a primary challenge to Murphy in the upcoming election. Some political analysts believe that Fulop’s decision to back Kim could signal a shift in power within the party, as other prominent Democrats may also choose to support Kim over Murphy. However, others argue that Murphy still has a strong base of support and is likely to win re-election despite Fulop’s endorsement of his opponent.

Overall, Fulop’s endorsement of Andy Kim for U.S. Senate has added an interesting twist to the upcoming election in New Jersey. It remains to be seen how this endorsement will impact the race and whether other Democrats will follow Fulop’s lead in supporting Kim over Murphy. One thing is clear: the political landscape in New Jersey is evolving, and the outcome of the election will have far-reaching implications for the future of the state and the Democratic Party as a whole.