Insider NJ’s Coverage of the Menendez Situation: An Overview of the Latest Developments

Insider NJ's Coverage of the Menendez Situation: An Overview of the Latest Developments

Insider NJ has been closely following the ongoing legal situation involving Senator Robert Menendez. The New Jersey Democrat has been accused of accepting gifts and political donations in exchange for political favors, and the case has been making headlines for several years now. Here is an overview of the latest developments in the case.


The case against Menendez began in 2015, when he was indicted on charges of bribery and corruption. The charges stemmed from his relationship with Florida ophthalmologist Salomon Melgen, who was accused of providing Menendez with gifts and campaign contributions in exchange for political favors. Menendez was accused of using his position as a senator to help Melgen with a Medicare billing dispute and to obtain visas for Melgen’s foreign girlfriends.

The trial

Menendez’s trial began in September 2017, but it ended in a mistrial in November of that year. The jury was deadlocked, and the judge declared a mistrial after more than two months of testimony. The Department of Justice decided to retry Menendez, and a second trial began in September 2018.

In January 2018, Menendez’s co-defendant, Salomon Melgen, was sentenced to 17 years in prison for Medicare fraud. Melgen was accused of overbilling Medicare by millions of dollars, and he was found guilty on 67 counts of fraud.

Latest developments

The second trial against Menendez ended in November 2018, with the senator being acquitted on all charges. The jury deliberated for several days before finding Menendez not guilty on all counts. Menendez had maintained his innocence throughout the trial, and he expressed relief at the verdict.

Following the verdict, Menendez released a statement saying, “I want to thank the jury for their service and for standing up for what is right. I have devoted my life to serving the people of New Jersey, and I am grateful that this process has come to an end.”

The verdict was a major victory for Menendez, who had faced the possibility of a lengthy prison sentence if he had been convicted. It was also a blow to the Department of Justice, which had spent years investigating and prosecuting Menendez.


The Menendez case has been a long and complicated legal saga, and Insider NJ has been providing comprehensive coverage of the latest developments. With the senator now cleared of all charges, it remains to be seen what the future holds for him and for the Department of Justice. But for now, Menendez can breathe a sigh of relief and focus on his work as a senator representing the people of New Jersey.