Watson Coleman expresses concern over Supreme Court’s decision on Presidential immunity

Watson Coleman expresses concern over Supreme Court's decision on Presidential immunity

Today, Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-12) issued the following statement regarding the Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision in the presidential immunity case:

“This is an astonishing and dangerous decision. The Court has granted absolute immunity to presidents for official actions. Additionally, by failing to establish a clear rule for distinguishing between official and unofficial acts, the Court has taken more power for itself in determining when a president can and cannot be held accountable under the same laws that apply to all of us.

“It seems clear to me that the Court deliberately waited until the last possible moment to issue this decision because the majority did not want the former president to face a jury for his actions on January 6th before he faces the voters on November 5th. 

“This is the same Court that has shown itself time and time again to be motivated not by their Constitutional mandate, but by partisan political interests. The same Court that upended a half-century of precedent to strip away reproductive freedom from millions of women across the country, criminalized homelessness, legalized machine guns, and made it nearly impossible for civil servants to regulate the industries that ensure the goods and services provided to the American public are safe for consumption. 

“This is the same court on which multiple Justices have accepted and then tried to conceal lavish gifts of private jet flights and luxury yacht cruises from wealthy executives with business before the Court.

“We must take all available measures to reign in the increasingly unfettered power of this radical court, including a binding code of ethics and expanding the number of justices. Six people who were never elected cannot be allowed to continue destroying our democracy.”

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On July 9, 2020, the Supreme Court made a landmark decision regarding presidential immunity, ruling that a sitting president is not immune from criminal investigations and can be subpoenaed for his financial records. This decision has sparked a wave of reactions from politicians and legal experts, with many expressing both support and concern over the implications of the ruling.

One of the most vocal critics of the Supreme Court’s decision is Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman, who represents New Jersey’s 12th congressional district. In a statement released shortly after the ruling, Watson Coleman expressed deep concern over the potential consequences of allowing criminal investigations into a sitting president.

Watson Coleman argued that the Supreme Court’s decision could set a dangerous precedent by opening the door for politically motivated investigations against future presidents. She warned that this could undermine the separation of powers and erode the independence of the executive branch.

The Congresswoman also raised concerns about the impact of the ruling on ongoing investigations into President Trump’s financial dealings. She pointed out that these investigations could distract the president from his duties and create a cloud of uncertainty over his administration.

Despite her criticisms, Watson Coleman acknowledged the importance of holding elected officials accountable and upholding the rule of law. She emphasized that no one, not even the president, is above the law and that transparency and accountability are essential for a functioning democracy.

In conclusion, Watson Coleman’s concerns over the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity highlight the complex legal and political implications of this ruling. As the debate over presidential accountability continues to unfold, it is clear that this decision will have far-reaching consequences for the future of American democracy.