Home birthing refers to giving birth at home with the assistance of a trained birth attendant, such as a midwife or doctor. It can be significantly more affordable than hospital births, with uncomplicated vaginal births costing about 60% less at home. Additionally, home births offer a more intimate setting for immediate bonding and breastfeeding. However, homebirths are not covered by most insurance, and the women who have them often have disposable income, and can absorb the costs. This bill seeks to create equity for women who want to have a home birth but cannot afford to pay out of pocket.
“A woman’s right to choose should extend to all aspects of her life, including how she wants to birth. Home birthing costs thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses, deterring many women who would prefer this option but may not have the means. This crucial legislation ensures that women can choose their birth plans if they are healthy enough for home birthing, without the burden of extra costs. I would have chosen to birth at home if my insurance covered it. This is about choice and equity,” said Senator Timberlake (D-Essex).
Senator Timberlake has long championed women’s rights and birthing equity. Since joining the Legislature in 2018, Timberlake has given birth three times, further deepening her commitment to these issues.
Studies have shown that home birthing can be a safe option for low-risk pregnancies, with outcomes comparable to hospital births when attended by qualified professionals. Notably, Black women have reported positive experiences and outcomes with home birthing, often finding it a more empowering and supportive environment. In the United States, Black women have higher rates of death during childbirth than other racial groups. According to the CDC, Black mothers are three times more likely to die from a pregnancy-related cause than White mothers, and Black infants have the highest mortality rate of any racial group. The pandemic has led to an increase in home birthing.
“The journey to motherhood looks different for every person, and for some, home childbirth may offer a more comfortable and empowering experience,” said Senator McKnight (D-Hudson). “Given the existing disparities in birthing outcomes for Black and Brown women, providing safe and supported options like home births can be a critical step toward improving maternal health for all and ensuring both mothers and babies thrive.”
The bill, S-1097, would take effect immediately and apply to all health benefit plans currently in effect in New Jersey or those that will be delivered, issued, executed, or renewed in the state.
The bill advanced out of committee in a 13-0 vote.
New Jersey residents who choose to give birth at home may soon have access to mandated health coverage thanks to a bill introduced by Assembly members Britnee Timberlake and Angela McKnight. The bill, which aims to ensure that families have access to necessary medical care during home births, has recently moved forward in the state legislature.
Home births have been growing in popularity in recent years, with many families opting for a more personalized and intimate birthing experience. However, one of the major concerns surrounding home births is the lack of access to emergency medical care in case of complications. This bill seeks to address this issue by requiring health insurance companies to cover the costs of midwifery services and emergency medical transportation for home births.
Assemblywoman Timberlake emphasized the importance of ensuring that all families have access to safe and affordable birthing options. “No family should have to choose between their preferred birthing experience and their financial well-being,” she stated. “This bill will help ensure that families who choose to give birth at home have access to the necessary medical care they need.”
Assemblywoman McKnight echoed these sentiments, noting that the bill is a crucial step towards improving maternal and infant health outcomes in New Jersey. “By mandating health coverage for home childbirth, we can help ensure that all families have access to high-quality care during this important time,” she said.
The bill has received support from various healthcare providers and advocacy groups, who believe that it will help improve access to safe and affordable birthing options for families across the state. If passed, New Jersey would join a handful of other states that have already implemented similar mandates for home birth coverage.
Overall, Timberlake and McKnight’s bill represents a significant step towards ensuring that all families have access to safe and affordable birthing options in New Jersey. By mandating health coverage for home childbirth, the state can help improve maternal and infant health outcomes while also supporting families in their choice of birthing experience.