The Qualities that Disqualify Christie, According to Insider NJ

The Qualities that Disqualify Christie, According to Insider NJ

Title: The Qualities that Disqualify Christie, According to Insider NJ


In the world of politics, candidates are often scrutinized for their qualifications and suitability for public office. In the case of former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Insider NJ has highlighted certain qualities that they believe disqualify him from holding a prominent position in government. This article aims to delve into these qualities and provide an informative analysis of the concerns raised by Insider NJ.

1. Bridgegate Scandal:

One of the primary concerns raised by Insider NJ is Christie’s involvement in the infamous Bridgegate scandal. In 2013, several lanes of the George Washington Bridge were closed, causing massive traffic jams as an alleged act of political retribution. While Christie denied any direct involvement, his close aides were convicted, raising questions about his leadership and judgment.

2. Controversial Leadership Style:

Insider NJ also criticizes Christie’s leadership style, citing instances where he displayed a confrontational and abrasive approach. Critics argue that his combative nature hindered effective governance and compromised his ability to work collaboratively with others, both within his own party and across the aisle.

3. Lack of Fiscal Responsibility:

Another point of contention raised by Insider NJ is Christie’s handling of New Jersey’s finances during his tenure. Critics argue that his administration failed to address the state’s mounting debt and pension liabilities adequately. Additionally, his decision to divert funds from the state’s transportation trust fund to cover budget shortfalls was seen as a short-term fix that neglected long-term infrastructure needs.

4. Questionable Ethics:

Insider NJ highlights several instances where Christie’s ethical conduct came under scrutiny. From accepting lavish gifts from political donors to questionable use of state resources for personal purposes, these actions raised concerns about his integrity and commitment to public service.

5. Failed Presidential Bid:

Insider NJ also points to Christie’s unsuccessful bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 as evidence of his inability to connect with voters on a national level. Despite his high-profile status and strong debate performances, Christie failed to gain significant traction, leading some to question his electability and appeal beyond his home state.


While opinions may vary, Insider NJ has raised valid concerns regarding the qualities that they believe disqualify Chris Christie from holding prominent positions in government. The Bridgegate scandal, controversial leadership style, lack of fiscal responsibility, questionable ethics, and failed presidential bid are all factors that have contributed to the skepticism surrounding Christie’s suitability for public office. As with any political figure, it is essential for voters to carefully consider these qualities when evaluating candidates for elected positions.