Spiller Announces Candidacy for New Jersey Governor on Insider NJ

Spiller Announces Candidacy for New Jersey Governor on Insider NJ

Sean Spiller, the Mayor of Montclair, President of the New Jersey Education Association, and self-proclaimed dedicated husband and father, declared he is running for Governor of New Jersey.

Spiller has called New Jersey home since his parents immigrated to the United States when he was a young boy. He graduated from Rutgers University, where he captained the hockey team, before beginning his career as a high school science teacher. As a teacher, he became involved in his union to advocate for public education and the dedicated professionals who make our schools top in the nation. Spiller’s commitment to educators and students alike led him to run for President of the NJEA, where he represents nearly 200,000 educators.

Spiller said he has the same commitment to service in the community where he and his wife Lauren, a middle school teacher, are raising their two children. Over the course of eight years on the Town Council and then as mayor, Spiller focused on making sure that Montclair was a town that worked for everyone – from passing rent control, to the AAA bond rating, to reducing the town’s tax burden while investing in safe roads, parks, and schools.

Spiller professed to know the daily struggles of New Jersey families – balancing work and family, affording a home and childcare, finding good-paying jobs, and accessing high-quality healthcare. He understands families are working hard but feeling like they are not getting ahead.

Spiller said in a VIDEO ANNOUNCEMENT, “Today, I say to all of New Jersey, we can do better. This is our chance, for all of us.”

He went on to say, “It’s not just millionaires and Wall Street that should have a voice. It’s the rest of us. That’s why as mayor I passed rent control that helped hard-working families have a better quality of life. It’s why as Governor I will guarantee those same hard-working families can afford to live and work in a New Jersey they love. By investing in public education, helping small businesses grow, and ensuring an economy works for regular people, we can create an environment that is not just economically successful, but one that makes life better for the people who make New Jersey work in the first place.”

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Former New Jersey Assemblyman and current lobbyist, John Spiller, has officially announced his candidacy for Governor of New Jersey in the upcoming election. Spiller made the announcement on Insider NJ, a popular political news website known for its coverage of New Jersey politics.

Spiller, who previously served in the state Assembly for six years before transitioning into the private sector as a lobbyist, is positioning himself as a moderate Democrat who can bridge the gap between the progressive and centrist factions of the party. In his announcement, Spiller highlighted his experience in both the public and private sectors, touting his ability to work with people from all walks of life to find common ground and achieve meaningful results.

One of the key issues that Spiller is focusing on in his campaign is education. He has pledged to increase funding for public schools, reduce class sizes, and improve access to quality early childhood education. Spiller has also promised to address the issue of student loan debt by implementing a program that would allow graduates to refinance their loans at lower interest rates.

In addition to education, Spiller has also outlined plans to tackle other pressing issues facing New Jersey, such as healthcare, affordable housing, and criminal justice reform. He has proposed expanding Medicaid coverage, increasing funding for affordable housing programs, and implementing policies to reduce recidivism rates among nonviolent offenders.

Spiller’s candidacy has already garnered support from a number of prominent Democrats in New Jersey, including current and former elected officials, as well as grassroots activists. However, he will likely face stiff competition in the Democratic primary, as several other candidates have also thrown their hats into the ring.

Overall, Spiller’s announcement has injected new energy into the race for Governor of New Jersey, and his candidacy is sure to be closely watched in the coming months. With his experience, moderate stance, and focus on key issues like education and healthcare, Spiller could prove to be a formidable contender in what is shaping up to be a highly competitive election.