Sherrill Criticizes Trump’s Planned New Jersey Event for Insurrectionist Mob – Insider NJ

Sherrill Criticizes Trump's Planned New Jersey Event for Insurrectionist Mob - Insider NJ

Today, Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) – a former U.S. Navy helicopter pilot and federal prosecutor – released the following statement after reports that Donald Trump will host a January 6 “Awards Gala” at his Bedminster golf club on September 5:

“Donald Trump – a twice impeached convicted felon – doesn’t know the first thing about service to our country or upholding the Constitution. He continues to spotlight and celebrate members of an insurrectionist mob who violently attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power on January 6. Even worse, he pledged to pardon the thousands who’ve been convicted of crimes on January 6 – even those who assaulted the more than 140 law enforcement officers who were wounded during the insurrection. The American people have a clear choice in this election between a dangerous candidate who has said he would ‘terminate’ the Constitution, and Kamala Harris who will uphold it.”

Craig Sicknick, brother of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick – who died on January 7 following the attack on the Capitol – said:

“Donald Trump has no shame, no moral compass, and not an ounce of the courage or patriotism that my brother Brian had. Brian was a hero who defended the U.S. Capitol from an unprecedented attack: A mob sent by Trump to overturn a free and fair election. This latest report shows just how low Trump will stoop in his quest for power. But we have leaders and patriots like Mikie Sherrill who have the vision and integrity to stand up for what’s right and defend our Constitution from the MAGA extremists intent on destroying our democratic values.”

Earlier this year, Mikie was endorsed by Craig Sicknick through an op-ed in You can read Sicknick’s op-ed here.

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New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy’s recent criticism of former President Donald Trump’s planned event in Bedminster has sparked controversy and debate among residents and politicians alike. The event, which is set to take place at Trump National Golf Club on July 3rd, has raised concerns about potential security risks and the presence of individuals associated with the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol.

Governor Murphy’s strong condemnation of the event stems from his belief that Trump’s rhetoric and actions have fueled division and violence in the country. In a statement released by his office, Murphy expressed his disapproval of Trump’s decision to host an event that could potentially attract individuals who were involved in the violent attack on the Capitol earlier this year.

The governor’s concerns are shared by many New Jersey residents who fear that Trump’s event could incite further violence and unrest. Critics argue that allowing Trump to hold a rally in the state sends a dangerous message and undermines efforts to promote unity and healing in the aftermath of the insurrection.

In response to the backlash, Trump’s team has defended the event, stating that it is a private gathering for club members and supporters. They have also emphasized that security measures will be in place to ensure the safety of attendees and prevent any disruptions.

Despite these assurances, Governor Murphy and other critics remain skeptical and are calling on local law enforcement agencies to closely monitor the event and take necessary precautions to prevent any potential incidents.

The controversy surrounding Trump’s planned event in New Jersey highlights the ongoing tensions and divisions in American politics. As the country continues to grapple with the aftermath of the January 6th insurrection, it is crucial for leaders at all levels to prioritize unity, peace, and respect for democratic norms. Only by working together and rejecting violence and extremism can we move forward as a nation.