Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-12) issued the following statement regarding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s planned address to Congress:
“I am deeply disappointed that Prime Minister Netanyahu will be addressing Congress tomorrow. A foreign head of government speaking directly to the legislative branch is a distinct honor that should be reserved for revered world leaders. Prime Minister Netanyahu has shown himself to be nothing of the sort. He has shown himself to be a war criminal.
“What began as a defensive operation in the wake of the horrific terrorist attacks of October 7th quickly turned into a campaign of total destruction. Over the past 9 months, over 40,000 Palestinians have been killed – most of whom are women and children. Roughly 1.1 million Palestinians are facing starvation – half the population of Gaza. Schools, homes, hospitals, mosques, all have been destroyed and 85 percent of the population has been displaced.
“Prime Minister Netanyahu has at every turn disregarded the safety of the Palestinian and Israeli people and ignored the reasonable requests of the United States. He has abandoned a two-state solution, the only viable option for an enduring peace. Time and again he has thumbed his nose at our country. His conduct has been both inhumane and disrespectful. I will not be attending his address.”
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Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman’s decision to not attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress has sparked a debate among politicians and the public alike. The New Jersey Democrat cited her disagreement with the way the speech was arranged, as well as her concerns about the potential negative impact it could have on the ongoing negotiations with Iran.
In an interview with Insider NJ, Rep. Watson Coleman explained her decision, stating that she felt the invitation extended to Netanyahu by House Speaker John Boehner was a breach of protocol and disrespectful to President Obama. She also expressed her belief that attending the speech could be seen as endorsing Netanyahu’s controversial policies, particularly his stance on Iran.
The decision to skip the speech has drawn both praise and criticism from various quarters. Some have commended Rep. Watson Coleman for taking a principled stand and standing up for what she believes in, while others have accused her of playing politics and undermining the strong relationship between the United States and Israel.
Regardless of one’s opinion on the matter, Rep. Watson Coleman’s decision highlights the complex and often contentious nature of foreign policy issues. As tensions continue to simmer in the Middle East and negotiations with Iran remain a top priority for the Obama administration, it is clear that lawmakers must carefully consider their actions and decisions in order to promote peace and stability in the region.
In the end, Rep. Watson Coleman’s decision to not attend Netanyahu’s address serves as a reminder of the importance of thoughtful and deliberate diplomacy in addressing global challenges. It also underscores the need for open and honest dialogue among all parties involved in order to achieve lasting solutions to complex international issues.