Pascrell criticizes Trump’s immunity decision, according to Insider NJ

Pascrell criticizes Trump's immunity decision, according to Insider NJ

U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-9) this morning hammered the finding by the U.S. Supreme Court that former Presidents enjoy absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for so-called officials acts.

“This decision by the Supreme Court today is a travesty and perhaps the most dangerous judicial opinion from our Supreme Court in generations,” said Pascrell. “By smooth and naive legalese, these partisan justices have created a framework for a President to commit any acts he or she chooses. In her dissent, Justice Sotomayor says that the Court has made the President ‘a king above the law.’ I share her alarm. This opinion is nothing less than a blueprint for a lawless dictator to take root in the Oval Office of the White House. Americans must wake up: American democracy is in even graver danger today. Donald Trump once said he could shoot someone and get away with it. Today’s decision by America’s highest courts suggests that he could.”

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In a recent statement, Congressman Bill Pascrell Jr. criticized President Trump’s decision to assert immunity in ongoing legal battles. Pascrell, a Democrat representing New Jersey’s 9th Congressional District, expressed his concerns over the President’s attempt to shield himself from accountability.

The issue stems from multiple lawsuits and investigations targeting Trump’s business dealings, personal finances, and potential conflicts of interest. Pascrell argued that Trump’s immunity claim sets a dangerous precedent and undermines the principle of checks and balances in the government.

“President Trump’s assertion of immunity is a blatant abuse of power and a direct threat to our democracy,” Pascrell stated. “No one, not even the President, should be above the law. We must hold our leaders accountable and ensure transparency in government.”

Pascrell’s criticism comes amid growing scrutiny of the Trump administration’s handling of legal matters. The President has faced numerous legal challenges throughout his time in office, including investigations into his campaign’s ties to Russia, allegations of obstruction of justice, and accusations of violating the emoluments clause.

The Congressman’s remarks reflect a broader concern among lawmakers and legal experts about the erosion of democratic norms and institutions under the Trump administration. Many fear that Trump’s immunity claim could set a dangerous precedent for future presidents and undermine the rule of law.

As the legal battles continue to unfold, it remains to be seen how the courts will respond to Trump’s immunity assertion. In the meantime, Pascrell and other critics are calling for transparency, accountability, and a commitment to upholding the principles of democracy in the face of unprecedented challenges.