Pascrell Criticizes GOP’s Handling of Debt Ceiling Issue – Insider NJ

Pascrell Criticizes GOP's Handling of Debt Ceiling Issue - Insider NJ

On July 20th, 2021, Congressman Bill Pascrell Jr. of New Jersey criticized the Republican Party’s handling of the debt ceiling issue. The debt ceiling is a limit set by Congress on how much the federal government can borrow to pay its bills. If the debt ceiling is not raised, the government risks defaulting on its loans and causing a financial crisis.

Pascrell criticized the Republicans for playing political games with the debt ceiling and putting the country’s economic stability at risk. He accused them of using the debt ceiling as a bargaining chip to push their own agenda and gain political leverage.

The debt ceiling has been a contentious issue for years, with both parties using it as a tool to advance their own interests. However, Pascrell argued that the Republicans have taken it to a new level by refusing to negotiate in good faith and threatening to let the government default on its loans.

Pascrell also pointed out that raising the debt ceiling is not about giving the government a blank check to spend as much as it wants. It is about paying for bills that have already been incurred, such as Social Security, Medicare, and military salaries. Failure to raise the debt ceiling would not only harm these programs but also damage the country’s credit rating and increase borrowing costs for everyone.

The debt ceiling issue has become even more urgent in recent months due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The government has spent trillions of dollars on relief programs to help individuals and businesses affected by the pandemic. Without raising the debt ceiling, the government would not be able to continue funding these programs or pay its other bills.

Pascrell’s criticism of the Republican Party’s handling of the debt ceiling issue highlights the need for both parties to work together to find a solution. The debt ceiling is not a partisan issue; it is a matter of fiscal responsibility and economic stability. It is time for politicians to put aside their differences and do what is best for the country.