Murphy Announces Closure of Edna Mahan Correctional Facility’s Full Minimum Units

Murphy Announces Closure of Edna Mahan Correctional Facility's Full Minimum Units

In a recent announcement, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy declared the closure of the full minimum units at the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility. This decision comes after a series of troubling incidents and ongoing concerns regarding the treatment of inmates at the facility. The closure aims to address these issues and ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals within the state’s correctional system.

The Edna Mahan Correctional Facility, located in Clinton, New Jersey, is the only women’s prison in the state. It houses approximately 400 inmates and consists of several units, including full minimum, medium, and maximum security units. The full minimum units, which are now set to be closed, are designed for inmates who pose a lower risk to public safety and have demonstrated good behavior during their incarceration.

The closure decision follows a string of disturbing incidents that have brought the facility under scrutiny. In January 2021, a group of corrections officers was accused of brutally assaulting several inmates in one of the full minimum units. The incident resulted in injuries to multiple women and raised serious questions about the culture and oversight within the facility.

Governor Murphy expressed his deep concern over the incident and emphasized the need for immediate action to address the systemic issues at Edna Mahan. He stated that the closure of the full minimum units is a crucial step towards ensuring accountability and preventing further harm to inmates.

The closure will involve transferring the inmates from the full minimum units to other facilities within the state’s correctional system. This process will be carried out with careful consideration for each individual’s needs and security requirements. The goal is to provide a safe and supportive environment for all inmates while addressing the underlying problems that have plagued Edna Mahan.

In addition to the closure, Governor Murphy has ordered a comprehensive review of the facility’s operations and policies. This review will be conducted by an independent team of experts who will assess all aspects of the facility, including staff training, inmate programs, and the overall culture within the prison. The findings of this review will inform necessary reforms and improvements to prevent future incidents and ensure the fair and humane treatment of all inmates.

The closure of the full minimum units at Edna Mahan is a significant step towards addressing the long-standing concerns surrounding the facility. It reflects the state’s commitment to upholding the rights and dignity of incarcerated individuals and creating a correctional system that focuses on rehabilitation and reducing recidivism.

Governor Murphy’s decision sends a clear message that any form of abuse or mistreatment within New Jersey’s correctional system will not be tolerated. It serves as a reminder that those entrusted with the care and supervision of inmates must uphold the highest standards of professionalism, compassion, and respect.

As the closure process unfolds, the state will continue to prioritize the well-being of the affected inmates and work towards implementing meaningful reforms at Edna Mahan. The ultimate goal is to create a correctional facility that fosters rehabilitation, supports successful reintegration into society, and ensures the safety and dignity of all individuals within its walls.