Morris County Prosecutor Carroll Endorses Gun Legislation Supported by Sherrill

Morris County Prosecutor Carroll Endorses Gun Legislation Supported by Sherrill

WOODLAND PARK – Robert Carroll, the Morris County Prosecutor, was brief and to the point.

“A responsible gun owner does not leave guns lying around,” he said. And those who do can expect to be punished.

Carroll commented during a Monday morning forum organized by Rep. Mikie Sherrill on new gun legislation.

Guns, of course, are a perennial political issue – and indications are things are unlikely to change anytime soon.

Yet, mass shootings continue.

In the last five days, there was a school shooting in Georgia and a man firing at traffic on a highway in Kentucky.

Democrats and gun control advocates have long talked about better background checks and a ban on semi-automatic weapons – the firearm apparently used in the two cited shootings.

Sherrill, who represents CD-11, acknowledges that such sweeping legislation is unlikely given the current make-up of Congress, which is just about evenly split between both parties.

That brings the focus to, as Sherrill said, the basics. By this, she means somewhat obvious measures that would draw bipartisan support – even in these polarized times.

So, she has proposed the Secure Storage Information Act.

The guts of the law would require firearm dealers to provide buyers with information and ways to safely store firearms, including gun safes, lock boxes, gun cases and trigger locks. It would also offer a tax credit up to $500 to those who purchase a gun safe.

Joining Sherrill on the panel were mental health and law enforcement professionals, including Andrew Caggiano, the police chief in Montville Township. Joining Carroll in the audience was Camelia Valdes, the Passaic County Prosecutor.

The forum was held in the local American Legion Hall; Sherrill is a Navy veteran.

All agreed that safely securing firearms can reduce suicides and accidental shootings – especially by children.

In fact, Valdes said that she and her sister found a relative’s gun when they were children. The firearm went off, but there were no injuries. That incident, not surprisingly, made an impression on the now-prosecutor.

Caggiano said locking up firearms can also prevent thefts.

Sherrill’s bill would give more teeth to Prosecutor Carroll’s statement about prosecuting irresponsible gun owners.

At the moment, however, the bill has only Democratic co-sponsors. That’s a problem in a House controlled by Republicans. Moreover, nothing much of consequence legislatively happens two months before an election, so don’t expect immediate action.

The NRA and its supporters in Congress tend to reflexively oppose just about all gun regulations. Those on the panel insisted that storing guns properly is about common sense safety, not the Second Amendment.

The recent shootings in Georgia and Kentucky were on everyone’s mind.  The father of the young man accused in the Georgia shooting has been charged himself for buying his son the semi-automatic weapon he used in a shooting that killed four people. That happened despite the fact the father knew his son may have been unstable.

Sherrill found it all bewildering, saying:

“It’s really hard for me to contemplate that we are living in a country where that is happening.”


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Morris County Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp recently announced his endorsement of gun legislation supported by Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill. The legislation, known as the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021, aims to strengthen background checks for gun purchases and close loopholes that allow individuals to obtain firearms without proper screening.

Prosecutor Knapp’s endorsement comes at a time when gun violence is a pressing issue in the United States, with mass shootings and gun-related crimes on the rise. In Morris County, like many other communities across the country, law enforcement officials are working tirelessly to address the root causes of gun violence and keep their communities safe.

The Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021 is a crucial step in the right direction, according to Prosecutor Knapp. The legislation would require background checks for all gun sales, including those conducted online and at gun shows. This would help prevent individuals with a history of violence or mental illness from obtaining firearms, reducing the risk of gun-related incidents.

Congresswoman Sherrill has been a vocal advocate for gun safety measures, citing her own experience as a former Navy pilot and federal prosecutor. She believes that responsible gun ownership is compatible with common-sense regulations that protect public safety.

Prosecutor Knapp’s endorsement of the legislation highlights the importance of bipartisan cooperation in addressing gun violence. By working together to pass sensible gun laws, lawmakers can help prevent tragedies and make our communities safer for everyone.

In conclusion, Morris County Prosecutor Fredric M. Knapp’s endorsement of the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021 is a significant step towards reducing gun violence and keeping our communities safe. With the support of leaders like Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill, we can work towards a future where responsible gun ownership is balanced with sensible regulations that protect public safety.