Mikie Sherrill’s Statements Validated by Insider NJ

Mikie Sherrill's Statements Validated by Insider NJ

     “…Like a bridge over troubled water
                                                                                                                                                     I will lay me down.”

                                                                                                                                                   -Simon & Garfunkel

The White House suddenly took on the look of a collapsed Potemkin Village, a carefully crafted façade designed to deceive.

It all started during the June 27th televised Biden/Trump debate on CNN. It was an eye-opening disaster for the President and, quite possibly, for the Democrats’ chances of winning the 2024 election.

President Biden tried to explain it away as a “bad night.”  To most Americans watching, though, it was more than that. It was a sad night. When the dust from the demolition cleared, 50 million viewers were left shaken and alarmed.

Why the White House and the Biden re-election campaign agreed to a debate at all is a mystery. Demanding Trump acknowledge both the legitimacy of the Biden presidency and his criminally investigated efforts to thwart the transfer of power should have been a deal breaker.

But the debate night happened and there were two reveals: (1) In the event of a meltdown, there was no Plan B for the Biden campaign. (2) The President’s performance created calls for a Plan B.

Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill (D-11) made one of those calls. Here’s what she said:

“I know President Biden cares deeply about the future of our country, I am asking that he declare that he won’t run for re-election and will help lead us… toward a new nominee…”

Agree or not, credit the Congresswoman for recognizing the need for action and her willingness to take the lead. She gets it. The stakes are high.

Can President Biden lead a successful effort to keep the White House, maintain a Senate majority and win back majority control of the House of Representatives?

Does his mental acuity and physical stamina favor him to seek re-election to an additional four-year term? Most Americans think not.


In the 2020 Presidential election, Biden, almost 78 years old, survived that year’s (unwatchable) primary debates.

Ultimately, he won out due to a carefully crafted Primary strategy, (thanks to South Carolina), that transformed him into a unifying Democratic leader and the presidential nominee.

He then offered himself up as the self-proclaimed ‘bridge candidate’ for a younger generation of democrats.

With the hopes and support of the American people he won, and he won big. He is the first presidential candidate in American history to win more than 80 million votes.

Four years later, nearly 82 years old, President Biden is no longer the self-proclaimed “bridge candidate.”

He is 3 years older than Ronald Reagan when Reagan (barely) completed his two terms. He’s 20 years older than Richard Nixon when Nixon resigned in 1974 and 27 years older than Bill Clinton after Clinton’s two terms.


Joe Biden’s presidency will be recognized as one of the most successful and accomplished in American history.

With his legacy intact, he should also be allowed to take home his dignity. Mikie Sherrill and a growing list of others get that.

It’s long past time to get real. Explore other options, pass the torch, offer up new generational leaders, craft a new electoral strategy, work hard for success in November. Make the time. Make it work.

It’s not just old age giving way to generational change. If ageism, mental acuity, cognition, and electoral viability are the issues in question, then honesty, not blind allegiance, and loyalty, might be the answer.

Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill understands that. “…the stakes are too high,” she recently stated, …  “I realize this is hard, but we have done hard things in pursuit of democracy since the founding of this nation. It is time to do so again,” she said.

In her own dignified way, Congresswoman Sherrill is right.

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Mikie Sherrill, the Democratic representative for New Jersey’s 11th congressional district, has been making headlines recently for her bold statements and actions in Congress. And now, her statements have been validated by Insider NJ, a reputable political news outlet.

Sherrill has been a vocal critic of the Trump administration and has been pushing for accountability and transparency in government. She has called for investigations into various scandals and controversies surrounding the administration, including the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Capitol insurrection on January 6th.

Insider NJ recently published an article confirming that Sherrill’s statements about the need for accountability in government have been validated by their own reporting. The article highlights Sherrill’s efforts to hold the administration accountable and shed light on the truth behind various scandals.

Sherrill’s statements have resonated with many Americans who are tired of the corruption and lack of transparency in government. Her dedication to fighting for the truth and holding those in power accountable has earned her praise from both constituents and fellow lawmakers.

In a time when trust in government is at an all-time low, Sherrill’s commitment to transparency and accountability is refreshing. Her bold statements and actions have not gone unnoticed, and it is clear that she is a force to be reckoned with in Congress.

As Sherrill continues to fight for justice and transparency in government, it is clear that her statements are not just empty words – they are backed up by facts and validated by reputable news outlets like Insider NJ. She is a shining example of what it means to be a true public servant, and her constituents can rest assured knowing that she is fighting for their best interests in Washington.