Mikie Sherrill Opposes Biden’s Pursuit of Reelection, According to Insider NJ

Mikie Sherrill Opposes Biden's Pursuit of Reelection, According to Insider NJ

U.S. Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-11) this afternoon issued the following statement:

“Joe Biden has honorably served this country for more than 50 years with grace and dignity. During this administration, he has led remarkable legislation that will reverberate for generations – including historic investments in infrastructure, support for Ukraine and democracies around the world, strategic competition with China through restoring domestic manufacturing, economic recovery in the wake of COVID, and support for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits, to name a few.

“One of President Biden’s most significant accomplishments was defeating a man who represented an existential threat to the nation and the institutions upon which this country has been founded: former President, Donald J. Trump. That’s why I ran for office in the first place. I know we cannot allow Trump to return to the White House and implement his dangerous Project 2025 plan that hurts the middle class and threatens rights and freedoms, including abortion.

“I have heard from people in my district who are united in their concern for our country and our future. They want a leader who can continue to build on our successes but is also able to turn the nation’s attention to the urgent threat that Trump presents to our democracy, to our freedoms, and to our country. When I think of my four children and all of the rights that another Trump presidency endangers, and in light of the recent Supreme Court decision that gave inordinate power to the President of the United States, the stakes are too high – and the threat is too real – to stay silent. I realize this is hard, but we have done hard things in pursuit of democracy since the founding of this nation. It is time to do so again.

“I know that President Biden and his team have been true public servants and have put the country and the best interests of democracy first and foremost in their considerations. And because I know President Biden cares deeply about the future of our country, I am asking that he declare that he won’t run for reelection and will help lead us through a process toward a new nominee.”

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According to a recent report from Insider NJ, New Jersey Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill has come out in opposition to President Joe Biden’s pursuit of reelection in 2024. Sherrill, who represents New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District, has been a vocal critic of the Biden administration on a number of issues, including its handling of the crisis in Afghanistan and its approach to immigration policy.

In a statement released to Insider NJ, Sherrill expressed her concerns about the direction of the Democratic Party under Biden’s leadership. She cited what she sees as a lack of progress on key issues such as healthcare, climate change, and economic inequality as reasons for her opposition to Biden’s reelection bid.

Sherrill’s stance has put her at odds with many of her fellow Democrats, who have largely rallied behind Biden as he prepares for a potential reelection campaign. However, Sherrill has made it clear that she believes the party needs to take a different approach if it wants to win back the trust of the American people.

The congresswoman’s decision to speak out against Biden’s reelection bid has sparked a heated debate within the Democratic Party, with some accusing her of disloyalty and others praising her for standing up for her principles. Sherrill, for her part, has remained steadfast in her opposition to Biden’s candidacy, stating that she believes it is time for a change in leadership.

As the 2024 election cycle heats up, it will be interesting to see how Sherrill’s stance on Biden’s reelection bid plays out within the Democratic Party. Will other lawmakers follow her lead and speak out against the president, or will they rally behind him in the hopes of securing another term in office? Only time will tell.