Mikie Sherrill Announces 2024 Campaign Ad Release on Insider NJ

Mikie Sherrill Announces 2024 Campaign Ad Release on Insider NJ

Today, Mikie Sherrill for Congress launched its 2024 ad campaign, “Always Forward.” The seven-figure TV and digital ad buy will spotlight Mikie’s patriotic vision, record fighting for abortion rights, and her ranking as the most effective House lawmaker in the New Jersey Congressional delegation.

Since she was elected in 2018, Mikie has built broad coalitions to get things done for New Jersey – delivering the federal funding to complete the Gateway Tunnel project which will bring thousands of good-paying jobs to New Jersey, passing SALT relief through the House twice to bring down taxes for middle-class families, and fighting for abortion rights after Trump’s hand-picked Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

This stands in stark contrast to Mikie’s opponent Joseph Belnome, who was part of the violent January 6 insurrection attempting to stop the peaceful transfer of power – a bedrock of American democracy – and has been endorsed by dangerous, far-right extremists like convicted felon Roger Stone.

You can watch the ad here and the transcript is below:  

She’s sworn oaths to support and defend us.

Democrat Mikie Sherrill.

As a U-S Navy helicopter commander.

Now, as congresswoman.

Mikie Sherrill’s direction – always forward.

Leading the fight to protect every woman’s reproductive freedom.

Strengthen our democracy.

And build a stronger, more affordable future for New Jersey.

Mikie Sherrill. Her patriotism – runs deep.

Her optimism – it’s relentless.

Go boldly, New Jersey. Forward.

With Democrat Mikie Sherrill.

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Mikie Sherrill, the Democratic congresswoman representing New Jersey’s 11th district, has announced the release of her campaign ad for the 2024 election cycle on Insider NJ. The ad, which highlights Sherrill’s accomplishments and priorities for her constituents, is set to air on television and social media platforms in the coming weeks.

In the ad, Sherrill emphasizes her commitment to fighting for affordable healthcare, quality education, and economic opportunities for all New Jersey residents. She also touts her record of bipartisanship and working across the aisle to deliver results for her district.

Sherrill, a former Navy helicopter pilot and federal prosecutor, was first elected to Congress in 2018. Since then, she has been a vocal advocate for veterans’ issues, environmental protection, and gun safety legislation. She has also been a strong supporter of efforts to combat the opioid epidemic and address the challenges facing working families in New Jersey.

As she gears up for her re-election campaign in 2024, Sherrill is positioning herself as a pragmatic leader who is focused on delivering real solutions for her constituents. Her campaign ad is likely to resonate with voters who value her track record of getting things done in Washington.

Overall, Mikie Sherrill’s campaign ad release on Insider NJ signals that she is ready to hit the ground running in the 2024 election cycle. With a strong message and a proven record of leadership, she is poised to continue representing the people of New Jersey’s 11th district with integrity and dedication.