Menendez Convicted of Charges in Insider NJ Case

Menendez Convicted of Charges in Insider NJ Case

Hudson County’s Bob Menendez, who once twirled the world on his finger as chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, became a foreign agent and betrayed his constituents and his country, according to a jury.

Menendez survived his first corruption trial in 2017 with a hung jury – but today, couldn’t escape the lurid evidence of gold bars for services delivered as he absorbed a damning guilty verdict.

The jury found Menendez guilty on 16 counts of corruption.

Sentencing is set for Oct. 29th.

It looked bad, in fact dreadful, from the beginning.

Last year, federal prosecutors in New York alleged the New Jersey Democrat accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes in the form of cash, gold bars, a luxury car, mortgage payments and more in exchange for the senator’s political clout. From ABC News: “Three New Jersey businessmen who were also charged, along with the governments of Egypt and Qatar, were the alleged recipients.”

Menendez pleaded not guilty to 16 federal charges including bribery, fraud, acting as a foreign agent and obstruction.

But after deliberating for 14 hours, the jury rejected his defense, finding the senior U.S. Senator guilty, not only of enriching himself but of acting as a foreign agent, a stunning plummet from grace going back to when then-Governor Jon Corzine tapped him to replace him in the U.S. Senate, to the disgrace of Menendez’s first indictment, to the semi-redemption of a hung jury, to full-bore disgrace and the strong possibility now of hard time.

“This was politics for profit,” said Damian Williams, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York outside the courthouse.

Following the verdict, Menendez’s friend and colleague, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, called on the guilt-riddled New Jersey lawmaker to resign.

Democratic State Committee Chairman LeRoy Jones issued a statement in the aftermath of the verdict.

“This is a sad day for New Jersey and our country,” said Jones. “While we understand the judicial process continues, the verdicts in the case against Senator Bob Menendez are incredibly sobering. We again call on the Senator to resign his Senate seat and allow us all to move forward.”

Democratic candidate for Governor Steven Fulop released the following statement on the guilty


verdict reached today in the corruption trial of Menendez:

“While our judicial system has made it more and more difficult to hold corrupt politicians accountable in recent years, today’s guilty verdict is a strong statement that reaffirms trust and the credit goes to the Southern District for being undaunted in their prosecution. As we turn the page now, Bob Menendez‘s legacy is cemented as a permanent embarrassment to New Jersey as one of the most corrupt elected officials to ever serve in a state that has unfortunately had its share of bad actors. Menendez should resign today and allow us all to move forward.”

End Citizens United (ECU) President Tiffany Muller issued the following statement:

“Today’s guilty verdicts against Senator Menendez is a major triumph for justice and the rule of law.

Kim (Photo by Fred Snowflack).

Senator Menendez exploited public office, shamelessly selling out his constituents for his own financial enrichment. This verdict delivers a powerful message that corruption and abuse of power will not be tolerated in government. It’s clear Senator Menendez can no longer hold public office. He should resign immediately—and if he refuses, the Senate must act to expel him.

“With this dark chapter in New Jersey politics behind them, voters have an opportunity to restore dignity to the office by electing Congressman Andy Kim, who embodies honesty, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to public service. Congressman Kim will be a voice for all New Jersey families and a fantastic U.S. Senator.”

ECU was the first national group to endorse Congressman Kim’s campaign for the U.S. Senate, following the shocking indictment detailing Senator Bob Menendez’s corruption.


Governor Phil Murphy’s full statement:

“Today’s verdict finding Senator Bob Menendez guilty on 16 counts demonstrates that the Senator broke the law, violated the trust of his constituents, and betrayed his oath of office. It also shows that in America, everyone – no matter how powerful – is accountable to our laws.

“Senator Menendez received a fair trial and due process of law as he was entitled to under our Constitution. I want to thank all the public servants who play crucial roles in our criminal justice system, including our law enforcement officials, prosecutors, defense attorneys, jurors, and judges. Their hard work ensured that these brazen crimes were proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and our nation is grateful for their service.

“I reiterate my call for Senator Menendez to resign immediately after being found guilty of endangering national security and the integrity of our criminal justice system. If he refuses to vacate his office, I call on the U.S. Senate to vote to expel him. In the event of a vacancy, I will exercise my duty to make a temporary appointment to ensure the people of New Jersey have the representation they deserve.”

Gubernatorial candidate Jon Bramnick released the following statement:

“A jury has convicted Senator Bob Menendez on 16 counts of bribery and corruption. Given the

Bramnick today in Westfield.

verdict, the Senator should resign immediately or be expelled from the United States Senate. Corruption has no place in New Jersey and the actions of Senator Menendez have brought shame on our great state.

This November New Jersey voters have an opportunity to elect a Senator that will restore honor to the seat and represent our state with dignity and vigor to restore law and order, fight inflation and unshackle our small business from over regulation.

On November 5th I urge voters to end five-decade-long Democrat monopoly on New Jersey’s Senate representation and vote for Curtis Bashaw.”

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On March 1, 2021, New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez was convicted of charges related to an insider trading case. The case, which has been ongoing for several years, centered around allegations that Menendez used his position as a senator to gain insider information and make profitable trades on the stock market.

The charges against Menendez included securities fraud, wire fraud, and conspiracy to commit securities fraud. The prosecution argued that Menendez had received confidential information from a close friend and political ally, Dr. Salomon Melgen, a wealthy Florida ophthalmologist. In exchange for the insider information, Menendez allegedly used his influence as a senator to advocate on behalf of Melgen’s business interests.

Throughout the trial, Menendez maintained his innocence, claiming that he had done nothing wrong and that he was being unfairly targeted by political opponents. However, the evidence presented by the prosecution was overwhelming, including emails, phone records, and financial transactions that linked Menendez to the insider trading scheme.

After several weeks of deliberation, the jury found Menendez guilty on all counts. The verdict was a major blow to the senator, who had been a prominent figure in New Jersey politics for decades. Menendez now faces the possibility of significant fines and prison time as a result of his conviction.

The case has sparked widespread outrage and condemnation from both political parties, with many calling for Menendez to resign from his position in the Senate. The conviction has also raised questions about the ethics and integrity of elected officials, and has renewed calls for stricter regulations on insider trading and corruption in government.

Overall, the Menendez insider trading case serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of abusing power and privilege for personal gain. It highlights the importance of holding public officials accountable for their actions and upholding the principles of transparency and honesty in government.