Kean Faces Critical Deadline in Insider NJ’s Latest Report

Kean Faces Critical Deadline in Insider NJ's Latest Report

Tom Kean Jr. wants money – and quickly.

The congressman from CD-7 made his appeal for campaign cash by the end of the month deadline in a social media post that began thusly:

“CRITICAL DEADLINE APPROACHING…in a race that WILL decide the fate of our House Majority.”

He’s probably right about that.

CD-7 spanning at least parts of six counties is the most, if not only, competitive House district in New Jersey. Kean won the seat two years ago, ousting Democratic incumbent Tom Malinowski.

He is now being challenged by Democrat Sue Altman.

According to OpenSecrets, a non-profit group that tracks campaign expenditures, Kean had raised about $4.1 million as of June 30 and Altman about $3 million.

However, in this latest appeal, Kean has so-called dark money in mind. These are campaign expenditures on behalf of a candidate by outside organizations. They are a product of the Supreme Court’s much discussed Citizens United decision back in 2010.

“My radical opponent is backed by loads of dark money cash,” Kean says in his appeal, without elaboration.

He adds that his opponents are “trying to buy this seat and push their extreme agenda in Congress.”

Kean, whose social media orations are meaningful because he does not normally hold events open to the press and public, adds that he has something special on his side:


He then urges supporters to contribute to his campaign and help protect the Republican majority in the House.

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Kean University is facing a critical deadline in the latest report by Insider NJ, a prominent political news website. The report highlights the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the university as it navigates a rapidly changing higher education landscape.

One of the key issues facing Kean University is its financial stability. Like many other institutions of higher education, Kean has been grappling with declining enrollment and rising costs. This has put pressure on the university’s budget and forced administrators to make tough decisions about how to allocate resources.

In response to these challenges, Kean has implemented a number of cost-cutting measures, including freezing hiring and reducing expenses. The university has also launched new initiatives to attract and retain students, such as offering more online courses and expanding its marketing efforts.

Another issue facing Kean is its reputation. In recent years, the university has been embroiled in controversy over allegations of mismanagement and corruption. These scandals have tarnished Kean’s image and raised questions about its ability to provide a quality education to its students.

To address these concerns, Kean has taken steps to improve transparency and accountability. The university has hired a new president, Dr. Lamont Repollet, who has pledged to clean up the institution’s governance and restore public trust. Dr. Repollet has also launched a comprehensive review of Kean’s operations and policies to identify areas for improvement.

Despite these challenges, Kean University also has many strengths that position it well for the future. The university boasts a diverse student body, innovative academic programs, and a strong commitment to serving its community. Kean’s location in Union, New Jersey, also gives it a strategic advantage in attracting students from the surrounding area.

As Kean University faces this critical deadline, it will be important for administrators, faculty, students, and stakeholders to work together to address the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead. By taking bold action and making strategic investments, Kean can position itself as a leader in higher education and continue to serve its mission of providing a quality education to all who seek it.