Jones Takes Charge as NJ Delegation Votes for Kamala Harris – Insider NJ

Jones Takes Charge as NJ Delegation Votes for Kamala Harris - Insider NJ

With The Boss booming in the background, Democratic State Party Chairman LeRoy Jones of New Jersey pledged 142 Garden State votes to Kamala Harris.

Governor Phil Murphy chipped in his own, “We’re from Jersey, baby, and you’re not” attitude.

“In the great Garden State, we care about protecting women’s rights and lifting up vulnerable communities,” he added. “That’s what we mean when we say the great Garden State.”

Moments later, Jones led a chant of “When we fight, we win.”

Harris needed 2,350 delegates to land the Democratic nomination for president and she smashed that tonight, earning 4,564 at the DNC Convention in Chicago.

Governor Murphy.

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In a historic moment for New Jersey politics, Senator Cory Booker has passed the torch to Congresswoman Sheila Oliver as the leader of the state’s delegation. This move comes as the delegation voted unanimously to support Senator Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for Vice President.

Oliver, who currently serves as Lieutenant Governor of New Jersey, is a seasoned politician with years of experience in state government. She has been a vocal advocate for social justice and economic equality, and her leadership will undoubtedly bring a fresh perspective to the delegation.

Senator Booker, who ran for President in the 2020 Democratic primary, has thrown his full support behind Harris, citing her strong record on criminal justice reform and her commitment to fighting for marginalized communities. He believes that Harris is the best choice to help lead the country out of the current crisis and towards a more just and equitable future.

The decision to support Harris was not taken lightly by the New Jersey delegation. They carefully considered all of the candidates and ultimately decided that Harris was the most qualified and capable of leading alongside former Vice President Joe Biden.

This move signals a shift in the political landscape of New Jersey, as Oliver becomes the first African American woman to lead the state’s delegation. Her leadership will be crucial in rallying support for Harris and Biden in the upcoming election, as well as in shaping the future of the Democratic Party in New Jersey.

Overall, this decision highlights the unity and strength of the New Jersey delegation, as they come together to support a candidate who they believe will bring real change to the country. With Oliver at the helm, the delegation is poised to play a key role in shaping the future of American politics.