Join President Biden and NATO in Standing up Against Trump’s Threat – Insider NJ

Join President Biden and NATO in Standing up Against Trump's Threat - Insider NJ

A critical moment in the CNN presidential debate occurred when President Joe Biden asked Donald Trump directly if the former president intends to stay allied with NATO.

Trump didn’t respond.

“This is the guy who wants to get out of NATO. Are you going to stay in NATO?” Biden asked.

Trump shrugged dubiously and pursed his lips.

Biden explained.

“Our strength lies in our alliances as well. What happens if you have Putin (a KGB-trained dictator with a history of imprisoning and exiling opponents or watching as they die not-so-mysteriously) continue to go into NATO,” said the President.

Biden added of his opponent, “He has no idea what the hell he’s talking about.”

NATO consists of 32 European and North American allies committed to defending one another from armed attack. In a critical test of NATO power during his first term, President Biden demonstrated American leadership as he pulled NATO together to buck Russia’s Soviet-era-style invasion of Ukraine.

In addition, Biden rallied 50 other nations to support Ukraine, contain a war in Europe, and fund – over and above Trump’s opposition – Ukraine against Russian invasion. To date, it was Biden’s most significant victory, a display of courage and dedication to western democracy in the face of a totalitarian bent on imperial aggression.

In the debate, Trump demonstrated hopeless naivete and a genuine lack of understanding of history when he explained that America has less at stake in Russia’s aggression because “we have an ocean in between” us and Europe.

Keep in mind, this is the presidential candidate with numerous dubious ties to Russia, who encouraged a mob to march to the United States Capitol to stop Trump’s own vice president from certifying the 2020 presidential election that Trump lost to Biden.

This is the same man who refused to attend Biden’s swearing-in ceremony and assist in the peaceful transition of American power.

This is the man who scorns the collective-defense clause at the heart of NATO and told the world he would encourage Russia to do “whatever the hell they want” to any NATO member country that doesn’t meet spending guidelines on defense.

“NATO was busted until I came along,” Trump said at a rally in Conway, South Carolina in February. “I said, ‘Everybody’s gonna pay.’ They said, ‘Well, if we don’t pay, are you still going to protect us?’ I said, ‘Absolutely not.’ They couldn’t believe the answer.” Trump said “one of the presidents of a big country” at one point asked him whether the US would still defend the country if they were invaded by Russia even if they “don’t pay.”

“No, I would not protect you,” Trump recalled telling that president. “In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills.”

As the media continues to focus on a moment in the debate when Biden faltered – a moment in which he appeared to lose focus – the security of the west and indeed the fate of modern democracy hangs dangerously in the balance.

Pay heed, America.

Trump’s non-answer to Biden’s pointed question should hasten every defender of liberty to work from now through election day not only to oppose the former president, a convicted felon, but to forcefully reelect a president – a moral leader – who works in the best tradition of American defense and American power projection through alliance.

In the aftermath of America’s decision to largely go it alone in the second Gulf War and shoulder a two trillion-dollar price tag as a consequence, the Obama Doctrine critically repaired our country’s political alliances. In conjunction with his then-Vice President, foreign policy expert Joe Biden, Obama constructed those alliances not merely to build a secure and safe America and western world order but also to justly distribute the cost.

We repeat, as NATO convenes and the world watches America, NATO’s most prominent critic – running to get back into the White House – said he would feed NATO allies to Putin as punishment for nonpayment.

Consider this, America, as we undertake to reinforce the work of alliance-building under siege by a vile Russian dictator, that one of the worst missile attacks of the war in Ukraine occurred on Monday as the NATO summit began.

Forty-one people dead. One hundred and ninety injured.

The country’s largest children’s hospital, Okhmatdyt in Kyiv, bombarded, “leaving medical staff and sick children trapped under the rubble.”

In this neck-in-neck election cycle, you want to focus on a bad moment in the debate for President Biden?

Why don’t you try focusing on the evil threat by Trump to throw our allies to a dictator?

Why don’t you focus on the expression of moral turpitude on that convicted felon’s face (above) as a replacement for a mature and American response to a question put to him by the president of the United States?

Why don’t you focus on Trump’s pro-Putin, anti-American alliance siege underway with time ticking down to November 5th, Election Day?

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President Biden and NATO have recently come together to address the threat posed by former President Donald Trump’s continued attempts to undermine democracy and sow division within the United States and its allies. As the world watches with concern, it is imperative that we stand united against this dangerous threat to our democratic institutions.

Since leaving office, Trump has repeatedly spread baseless claims of election fraud and incited violence among his supporters. His rhetoric has fueled a dangerous movement that seeks to overturn the results of the 2020 election and undermine the will of the American people. This behavior is not only harmful to our democracy, but it also poses a threat to global stability and security.

In response to these actions, President Biden and NATO have issued strong statements condemning Trump’s behavior and reaffirming their commitment to upholding democratic values and principles. They have made it clear that they will not stand idly by while Trump continues to undermine the rule of law and incite violence.

It is crucial that we support President Biden and NATO in their efforts to combat this threat. By standing together against Trump’s dangerous behavior, we can send a clear message that democracy will prevail over authoritarianism and that the rule of law will be upheld.

As citizens, we must also do our part to protect our democracy and hold those who seek to undermine it accountable. This means speaking out against misinformation and disinformation, supporting efforts to strengthen our democratic institutions, and holding our elected officials responsible for their actions.

In conclusion, it is essential that we join President Biden and NATO in standing up against Trump’s threat to democracy. By working together, we can ensure that our democratic values are upheld and that our institutions remain strong in the face of adversity. Let us unite in defense of democracy and show the world that we will not be swayed by those who seek to divide us.