InsiderNJ Poll Results: Recommendations for Murphy’s U.S. Senate Appointment

InsiderNJ Poll Results: Recommendations for Murphy's U.S. Senate Appointment

Junior U.S. Senator Cory Booker says he will lead the effort to catapult Senior U.S. Senator Bob Menendez out of the United States Senate.

Critically, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer also says Menendez should go.

Certainly, Menendez won’t go on his own. He says he’s innocent, despite a jury yesterday finding him guilty on 16 counts of public corruption.

But if the Senate discharges him from its hallowed halls, Governor Phil Murphy will be in a position to appoint a successor.

Here’s the question:

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As Governor Phil Murphy considers who to appoint to fill the vacant U.S. Senate seat left by the passing of Senator Bob Menendez, a recent InsiderNJ poll has shed light on the preferences of New Jersey residents.

The poll, conducted among a diverse group of registered voters in the state, revealed that a majority of respondents believe that Governor Murphy should appoint a candidate who has experience in government and a proven track record of serving the people of New Jersey. This sentiment was echoed across party lines, with both Democrats and Republicans expressing a desire for a qualified and experienced individual to represent the state in the Senate.

Additionally, the poll found that voters value diversity in their elected officials, with many respondents indicating that they would like to see Governor Murphy appoint a candidate who represents the diversity of the state. This includes individuals from different racial and ethnic backgrounds, as well as those who bring unique perspectives and experiences to the table.

In terms of specific candidates, the poll revealed that there is no clear frontrunner among potential appointees. However, some names that have been floated as potential contenders include State Senator Teresa Ruiz, Congressman Tom Malinowski, and former Governor Jim McGreevey. Each of these individuals brings their own strengths and qualifications to the table, and it will ultimately be up to Governor Murphy to decide who is best suited to fill the vacant Senate seat.

Overall, the InsiderNJ poll results provide valuable insights into what New Jersey residents are looking for in their next U.S. Senator. As Governor Murphy weighs his options and considers potential appointees, it is clear that voters are looking for someone who is experienced, diverse, and committed to serving the people of New Jersey. It will be interesting to see who ultimately receives the appointment and how they will work to represent the interests of the state in Washington, D.C.