Insider NJ’s Coverage of Tom Kean Jr.’s Town Hall Meeting

Insider NJ's Coverage of Tom Kean Jr.'s Town Hall Meeting
New Jerseyans grill Kean Jr. about his support for Donald Trump and Project 2025This week, vulnerable New Jersey Republican Tom Kean Jr. decided to come out of his hidey-hole only to once again stumble over an answer when voters hammered him for endorsing Donald Trump and his dangerous Project 2025 agenda.

From the townhall:

Question: You have endorsed Trump, does that mean you have endorsed Project 2025 and things like its cuts to Medicare?

Kean Jr.: I have never read Project 2025…

Question: You never read it?

Kean Jr.: No 

Question: This is the manifesto of the candidate you support that is running for president, and you’re not interested in the least?

Kean Jr.: As I said, my concerns are the concerns of the people in the district. 

This isn’t the first time Kean Jr. has failed to distance himself from Project 2025’s extremism. While the authors of the far-right agenda called the harmful Dobbs decision “just the beginning,” Kean Jr. similarly promised he would fight “every step of the way to protect the unborn from egregious abortion laws.” Since then, he’s voted for bills which chip away at women’s fundamental reproductive freedoms and punish doctors who provide abortions.

DCCC Spokesperson Aidan Johnson:
“New Jerseyans know that if re-elected, Tom Kean Jr. will continue to push through the same anti-abortion, anti-freedom legislation that is spelled out in the extreme Project 2025 manifesto – and that’s why they’ll reject him at the ballot box this November.

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Insider NJ recently covered Tom Kean Jr.’s town hall meeting, where the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate discussed a range of important issues facing New Jersey residents. Kean, who is running against incumbent Senator Cory Booker, used the town hall as an opportunity to connect with voters and share his vision for the future of the state.

One of the key topics discussed at the town hall was the economy. Kean emphasized the need for policies that will create jobs and stimulate economic growth in New Jersey. He highlighted his support for small businesses and his commitment to reducing taxes and regulations that can hinder economic development.

Another important issue raised at the town hall was healthcare. Kean expressed his concerns about the rising cost of healthcare and the need to improve access to quality care for all residents. He outlined his plans to address these challenges, including expanding access to telemedicine and promoting competition among healthcare providers to drive down costs.

Education was also a major focus of the town hall meeting. Kean stressed the importance of investing in education and ensuring that all students have access to high-quality schools. He discussed his support for school choice initiatives and his commitment to improving outcomes for students across the state.

Overall, Insider NJ’s coverage of Tom Kean Jr.’s town hall meeting provides valuable insight into the candidate’s priorities and policy positions. By engaging directly with voters and addressing their concerns, Kean is working to build support for his campaign and demonstrate his readiness to represent New Jersey in the U.S. Senate.