Insider NJ Reports on Platkin’s Division on Civil Rights’ New Findings on White Supremacy

Insider NJ Reports on Platkin's Division on Civil Rights' New Findings on White Supremacy

Title: Insider NJ Reports on Platkin’s Division on Civil Rights’ New Findings on White Supremacy


In a recent development, Insider NJ has reported on the Division on Civil Rights’ (DCR) new findings regarding the rise of white supremacy in our society. These findings shed light on the alarming increase in white supremacist activities and the urgent need for collective action to combat this dangerous ideology. This article aims to delve into the key findings presented by the DCR and highlight the significance of addressing white supremacy as a pressing societal issue.

1. The Rise of White Supremacy:

The DCR’s report highlights the concerning surge in white supremacist activities across various sectors of society. It reveals that white supremacist groups have become more organized, emboldened, and adept at spreading their hateful ideologies. The report emphasizes that this rise is not limited to any specific geographical region, but rather a nationwide phenomenon that demands immediate attention.

2. Online Platforms as Catalysts:

The report underscores the role of online platforms in facilitating the growth of white supremacist movements. Social media platforms, message boards, and encrypted communication channels have become breeding grounds for spreading extremist ideologies, recruiting new members, and coordinating activities. The DCR urges tech companies and policymakers to take proactive measures to counteract the dissemination of hate speech and extremist content online.

3. Threats to Marginalized Communities:

White supremacy poses a significant threat to marginalized communities, including people of color, religious minorities, immigrants, and LGBTQ+ individuals. The report highlights the increasing number of hate crimes targeting these communities, emphasizing the urgent need for enhanced protection and support mechanisms. It also emphasizes the importance of fostering inclusive environments that promote diversity and tolerance.

4. Recruitment Strategies:

The DCR’s findings reveal that white supremacist groups have adopted sophisticated recruitment strategies to attract new members. They exploit vulnerable individuals by offering a sense of belonging, purpose, and distorted narratives that blame marginalized communities for societal problems. The report emphasizes the importance of early intervention and education to prevent individuals from falling prey to extremist ideologies.

5. Collaboration and Education:

To effectively combat white supremacy, the DCR stresses the need for collaboration among government agencies, law enforcement, community organizations, and educational institutions. By working together, these entities can develop comprehensive strategies to counteract white supremacist activities, dismantle hate networks, and promote social cohesion. Additionally, the report emphasizes the importance of educating the public about the dangers of white supremacy and fostering critical thinking skills to challenge extremist narratives.


Insider NJ’s coverage of the Division on Civil Rights’ new findings on white supremacy serves as a wake-up call for society to confront this growing threat. The report highlights the alarming rise of white supremacist activities, the role of online platforms in their propagation, and the urgent need for collective action. By addressing this issue head-on through collaboration, education, and proactive measures, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and tolerant society where hate has no place.