Baseball season is practically here and Speaker Craig Coughlin is squatting there behind the plate with a catcher’s mitt right now, waiting for that fastball from Judge Zahid N. Quraishi.
It’s like this:
If Quraishi rules that New Jersey’s bracketing system flies in the face of constitutional justice, he will lay out the reasons why, then send those reasons to the New Jersey Legislature. Hence, Coughlin clenches that leather mitt, with the words iustitia caeca written it, where others might have the scribbled signature of a big league ballplayer.
The constraints of the federal court as defined by the judge will guide Coughlin – or whoever chairs the committee the case ends up in – to set right a system deemed unconstitutional.
New Jersey – still unconstitutional after all these years, at least according to Quraishi.
How’s that for a state slogan?
The legislature will then take the judge’s guidelines and, make revisions in order to make the voting or balloting system constitutional.
But here’s the rub for Coughlin.
While a mere nine days stand between now and the start of baseball season, the petition deadline for candidates running for office in the 2024 primaries is marked March 25th.
Just six days from now.
In the words of one chair, speaking to InsiderNJ on condition of anonymity, “We’re f-cked.”
This week, behind-the-scene questions abounded regarding process – and a timeline.
Would the judge’s ruling, again if indeed he rules as insiders believe he will rule, apply to this season – not baseball, politics, let’s stay on point here – or would the time crunch make it applicable to 2025?
Would New Jersey have to push the primary back?
That was the frantic question of one chair trying to prepare for the consequences of the Constitution, at least adjudged by this particularly pressing federal judge.
Well, if it was any consolation, there is some precedent here.
Major League Baseball pushed back their season in 2020.
It started in July that year, but that was on account of COVID, not the courts.
Now, in the shadows of Trenton cast by those ever-present bleachers filled with public opinion, Coughlin has his eyes locked on that guy on the mound, as he goes into his windup.
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New Jersey Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin is closely monitoring the efforts of U.S. Attorney nominee Zahid Quraishi as he seeks confirmation from the Senate. Quraishi, who has been nominated by President Joe Biden, is facing scrutiny over his past involvement in a controversial case involving a payoff.
The case in question dates back to 2009 when Quraishi, a former federal prosecutor, was involved in a high-profile corruption investigation. The investigation centered around allegations that a prominent New Jersey politician had accepted a large sum of money in exchange for political favors.
Quraishi’s role in the case has raised concerns among some lawmakers, who worry that his involvement may have compromised his impartiality. Coughlin, as the leader of the New Jersey Assembly, is particularly concerned about the potential impact of Quraishi’s nomination on the state’s political landscape.
Coughlin has been vocal in his support for a thorough investigation into Quraishi’s past actions, and has called for transparency in the confirmation process. He believes that it is crucial for the Senate to fully vet Quraishi before confirming him as U.S. Attorney, in order to ensure that he is fit to serve in such a critical role.
Despite the controversy surrounding Quraishi’s nomination, he has received support from some quarters. Supporters point to his extensive legal experience and his commitment to upholding the rule of law. They argue that Quraishi is well-qualified for the position and should be given a fair chance to prove himself.
As the confirmation process unfolds, all eyes will be on Quraishi as he makes his case to the Senate. With Coughlin keeping a close watch on proceedings, it remains to be seen how the nomination will ultimately play out.