Insider NJ: An Open Letter to President Spiller – Educators Shouldn’t Be Held Responsible for the Current Situation

Insider NJ: An Open Letter to President Spiller - Educators Shouldn't Be Held Responsible for the Current Situation

Dear President Spiller,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to express my concerns regarding the current situation that educators find themselves in, and to implore you to reconsider holding them solely responsible for the challenges we face.

As the President of the New Jersey Education Association, you have undoubtedly witnessed firsthand the immense dedication and hard work that educators put into their profession. They are the backbone of our education system, shaping the minds of future generations and ensuring a brighter future for our society. However, it is unfair to place the burden of the current situation solely on their shoulders.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to our education system. Schools were forced to close their doors, and educators had to adapt quickly to remote learning environments. This sudden shift required them to learn new technologies, develop online lesson plans, and find innovative ways to engage students from a distance. It was a monumental task that they tackled with determination and resilience.

However, it is important to recognize that educators are not responsible for the circumstances that led to this situation. They did not create the pandemic, nor did they have control over how it would impact our education system. They are doing their best to navigate through uncharted territory while also dealing with personal challenges brought on by the pandemic.

Furthermore, educators have always been at the forefront of advocating for better resources and support for their students. They have consistently fought for smaller class sizes, increased funding, and improved infrastructure. Yet, despite their efforts, many schools continue to face significant resource gaps that hinder effective teaching and learning.

It is crucial that we acknowledge the systemic issues that have long plagued our education system. Inequities in funding, overcrowded classrooms, and lack of access to technology are just a few examples of the challenges that educators face daily. These issues existed long before the pandemic and have only been exacerbated by it.

Instead of placing blame solely on educators, we should be working together to address these systemic issues. We need to advocate for increased funding, improved infrastructure, and better support systems for both educators and students. It is only through collaboration and a shared responsibility that we can create lasting change.

President Spiller, I urge you to reconsider the narrative that holds educators solely responsible for the current situation. They are doing their best under extraordinary circumstances, and it is unfair to burden them with the weight of an entire system’s challenges. Let us come together as a community, support our educators, and work towards a brighter future for our education system.


Concerned Citizen