Gottheimer criticizes federal government’s disrespectful treatment of New Jersey

Gottheimer criticizes federal government's disrespectful treatment of New Jersey

Title: Gottheimer Criticizes Federal Government’s Disrespectful Treatment of New Jersey


New Jersey, often referred to as the Garden State, has been a vital part of the United States for centuries. However, recent events have highlighted a concerning trend of the federal government’s disrespectful treatment towards the state. Congressman Josh Gottheimer has been at the forefront of addressing these issues and advocating for fair treatment for New Jersey. In this article, we will explore some of the key concerns raised by Gottheimer and shed light on the impact of the federal government’s actions on the state.

1. Neglected Infrastructure:

One of the major grievances raised by Gottheimer is the federal government’s neglect of New Jersey’s infrastructure. Despite being one of the most densely populated states in the country, New Jersey has not received its fair share of federal funding for critical infrastructure projects. This lack of investment has resulted in crumbling roads, bridges, and tunnels, causing significant inconvenience and safety concerns for residents.

2. Unfair Tax Burden:

New Jersey residents face one of the highest tax burdens in the nation, yet they receive less in return from the federal government compared to other states. Gottheimer argues that this unfair treatment is a result of outdated formulas used to distribute federal funds. He has been actively pushing for reforms that would ensure New Jersey receives its fair share of federal resources, allowing the state to invest in education, healthcare, and other essential services.

3. Insufficient Disaster Relief:

New Jersey has experienced its fair share of natural disasters, including hurricanes, floods, and superstorms. However, when it comes to disaster relief, the state has often been left to fend for itself. Gottheimer has criticized the federal government’s slow response and inadequate assistance during these challenging times. He believes that New Jersey deserves better support to rebuild and recover from such devastating events.

4. Inequitable Representation:

Another concern raised by Gottheimer is the lack of equitable representation for New Jersey in federal decision-making processes. Despite being the 11th most populous state, New Jersey has only 12 representatives in the House of Representatives, limiting its influence on key policy matters. Gottheimer has been advocating for fair redistricting and reforms to ensure that New Jersey’s voice is adequately heard in Washington, D.C.

5. Environmental Concerns:

New Jersey is known for its beautiful coastline, diverse wildlife, and natural resources. However, the federal government’s actions have often disregarded the state’s environmental concerns. From offshore drilling proposals to rollbacks in environmental regulations, Gottheimer has been vocal about protecting New Jersey’s natural heritage and ensuring sustainable practices for future generations.


Congressman Josh Gottheimer has been a staunch advocate for addressing the federal government’s disrespectful treatment of New Jersey. From neglected infrastructure to unfair tax burdens and inadequate disaster relief, the state has faced numerous challenges. By raising these concerns and pushing for reforms, Gottheimer aims to ensure that New Jersey receives the fair treatment it deserves. It is crucial for the federal government to recognize and rectify these issues to foster a stronger partnership with the Garden State.