“Gottheimer, Bacon, and 30 Bipartisan Members Introduce New Unity Commitment”

"Gottheimer, Bacon, and 30 Bipartisan Members Introduce New Unity Commitment"

Today, September 13, 2024, U.S. Representatives Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) and Don Bacon (NE-2) launched a bipartisan “Unity Commitment” which commits Members to respecting the results of the 2024 presidential election, attending the inauguration, and serving as a voice for calm, regardless of who wins.

The full “Unity Commitment” can be found here, which 32 members have signed. The signatory list of thirty-two bipartisan Members of Congress includes Reps. Gottheimer (NJ-5), Bacon (NE-2), Carbajal (CA-24), Case (HI-1), Chavez-DeRemer (OR-5), Costa (CA-21), Craig (MN-2), Davis (NC-1), D’Esposito (NY-4), Dingell (MI-6), Fitzpatrick (PA-1), Golden (ME-2), Gonzalez (TX-34), Houlahan (PA-6), LaLota (NY-1), Landsman (OH-1), Lawler (NY-17), Lee (NV-3), Manning (NC-6), Moskowitz (FL-23), Mrvan (IN-1), Nickel (NC-13), Norcross (NJ-1), Pappas (NH-1), Peters (CA-50), Pettersen (CO-7), Scholten (MI-3), Slotkin (MI-7), Spanberger (VA-7), Stevens (MI-11), Suozzi (NY-3), and Torres (NY-15).

The “Unity Commitment” builds on previous efforts from 2021 when Representatives Gottheimer, Bacon, and Members of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus released Principles on Elections and the Electoral College.

“It’s a solemn honor to lead the ‘Unity Commitment’ with my friends and colleague, Congressman Bacon. Respect for our democracy, the greatest democracy in the entire world, cannot — and should not — be a partisan issue. Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle have a responsibility to demonstrate true leadership ahead of this critical election and serve as a voice for calm,” said Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5). “Our ‘Unity Commitment’ offers a framework for Members to work together and communicate their respect for the electoral process, regardless of who wins. We all swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution — and that begins with defending the integrity of our elections.”

“In America we respect election results especially once the courts and appeals work through the process,” said Congressman Don Bacon (NE-2). “We fight hard to win during campaigns and then respect the results when the votes are counted. We are the greatest country in the world, and we are governed by the rule of law. The citizens are sovereign, and they decide.”

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In a time of increasing political polarization, a group of bipartisan lawmakers have come together to introduce a new Unity Commitment aimed at fostering cooperation and collaboration across party lines. Led by Representatives Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Don Bacon (R-NE), along with 30 other members from both sides of the aisle, this initiative seeks to promote civility, respect, and unity in Congress.

The Unity Commitment includes a set of principles and guidelines for members to follow in their interactions with one another, as well as a pledge to work together in a spirit of bipartisanship to address the pressing issues facing our country. The goal is to create a more productive and inclusive legislative process that puts the needs of the American people above partisan politics.

Gottheimer and Bacon, who serve as co-chairs of the Problem Solvers Caucus, a bipartisan group of lawmakers dedicated to finding common ground on key issues, believe that the Unity Commitment is a necessary step towards restoring faith in our political system and rebuilding trust between lawmakers and their constituents. They hope that by leading by example, they can inspire their colleagues to put aside their differences and work together for the greater good.

The Unity Commitment has already garnered support from a diverse group of lawmakers, including Democrats and Republicans from across the ideological spectrum. It represents a growing recognition among members of Congress that the current climate of division and gridlock is unsustainable, and that real progress can only be achieved through cooperation and compromise.

As our country faces unprecedented challenges, from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to economic uncertainty and social unrest, it is more important than ever for our elected officials to come together in a spirit of unity and common purpose. The Unity Commitment offers a roadmap for how lawmakers can do just that, and serves as a beacon of hope for a more collaborative and effective political future.