If you want to win a primary, it helps if people truly know what a primary election is.
Gubernatorial candidate Steve Fulop and the Assembly candidates running with him do not want to take any chances.
Under the name, Democrats for Change, Fulop and his Assembly team have put together a video that presents some basic facts about elections.
Here’s what the campaign says:
“The educational video series, which went live (Sunday), covers topics such as ballot design, the influence of corporate interests in New Jersey politics, and election basics. Among the videos is one that explains what a primary election is, breaking down its importance in simple terms for voters new to the process. Another video highlights New Jersey’s landmark primary ballot overhaul – a major victory for fair elections and a significant blow to the political establishment. The video series will continue to release more short episodes to help voters.”
A lot of this is what many voters already know. But you can see Fulop’s point.
His campaign wants to attract new voters or perhaps those who have never voted before in a primary.
Keep in mind that Fulop’s campaign includes a seemingly growing list of Assembly candidates running with him – 35 at the moment.
Rebecca (Becky) Holloway, who is running in LD-6, is leading the education video initiative. She says:
“New Jersey’s political system has thrived on keeping voters in the dark. It’s intentionally complicated and designed to make voters feel like they can’t make a difference. But when people understand the truth – when they see how decisions impact their daily lives – it becomes a tool of empowerment against systems that have kept them marginalized. We’re shining a bright spotlight on New Jersey politics in order to dismantle the power and corruption of the Norcross political machine.”
The reference, of course, is to George Norcross.
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Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop and his supporters recently outlined key points in their campaign for re-election in an article published by Insider NJ. Fulop, who has been in office since 2013, is seeking a second term as mayor of the city.
One of the main points highlighted by Fulop and his supporters is the progress that has been made in Jersey City under his leadership. They point to the city’s economic growth, improved public safety, and investments in infrastructure as evidence of Fulop’s successful tenure as mayor.
Fulop’s supporters also emphasize his commitment to affordable housing and social justice initiatives. They highlight the mayor’s efforts to increase affordable housing options in Jersey City and his support for programs that aim to reduce inequality and promote diversity in the city.
In addition, Fulop and his supporters outline their plans for the future of Jersey City, including continued economic development, increased investment in public education, and efforts to address climate change and environmental issues.
Overall, Fulop and his supporters make a compelling case for his re-election based on the progress that has been made in Jersey City under his leadership and their vision for the city’s future. As the election approaches, it will be interesting to see how voters respond to these key points outlined by Fulop and his supporters.