Exploring the Impact of the Gott-com Generation on Sussex County: Insights from Insider NJ

Exploring the Impact of the Gott-com Generation on Sussex County: Insights from Insider NJ

NEWTON – There’s nothing revolutionary these days about the need for internet service.

It is, as was mentioned Tuesday morning, as vital to life as water and sewers.

That makes it a problem when swaths of New Jersey – the most congested state in the union – still lack dependable broadband service.

That’s the case in rural (by N.J. standards) Sussex County.

Only five of the county’s 24 towns have 100 percent access to internet service and some towns do not even have 50 percent coverage

That brought Phil Murphy to the county town of Lafayette three years ago when he said the state had received $190 million in federal funds to expand broadband service.

Things in government do move slowly, but that doesn’t mean they don’t move at all.

Rep. Josh Gottheimer visited Planet Networks, an internet service provider, on Tuesday to say that $50 million of the state’s share is now available for Sussex County. Local officials need to apply for it.

Gottheimer and Robert Boyle, the CEO of Planet Networks, dramatized the problem.

Not having reliable Internet service impacts everyone. But as the congressman and Boyle pointed out, it can be particularly troublesome for students, who may otherwise need to go to a library, and seniors, who often need the internet to set up medical appointments.

“Today’s announcement is incredibly important for Sussex County,” said Gottheimer, whose 5th District includes part of the county.

Additionally, an additional $523 in federal money is coming to New Jersey through the infrastructure act of 2021. That, too, could help expand broadband.

The lack of complete Internet service in Sussex County is not a secret.

In fact, it was discussed at a recent campaign forum among five men seeking two Republican nominations for county commissioner.

Murphy’s visit was noted, as was the fact not much has happened since.

Today’s event was designed to change that, or as Gottheimer described the goal:

“Connecting the unconnected.”


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The Gott-com Generation, also known as Generation Z, refers to individuals born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s. This generation is known for being tech-savvy, socially conscious, and diverse. In Sussex County, New Jersey, the impact of the Gott-com Generation can be seen in various aspects of society, from education to politics to business.

Insider NJ recently conducted a study to explore the impact of the Gott-com Generation on Sussex County. The study found that this generation is driving significant changes in the county, particularly in terms of technology adoption and social activism.

One of the key findings of the study is that the Gott-com Generation is leading the way in terms of technology adoption in Sussex County. This generation has grown up with smartphones, social media, and other digital technologies, and as a result, they are more comfortable using these tools than previous generations. This has led to an increase in online activism and social media campaigns in the county, as young people use these platforms to raise awareness about important issues and mobilize support for causes they care about.

In addition to their use of technology, the Gott-com Generation in Sussex County is also making an impact through their social activism. This generation is known for being socially conscious and politically engaged, and they are using their voices to advocate for change in their communities. From organizing protests against racial injustice to campaigning for environmental protection, young people in Sussex County are making their voices heard and pushing for a better future.

The study also found that the Gott-com Generation is having an impact on the business landscape in Sussex County. This generation is known for their entrepreneurial spirit and desire for independence, and many young people in the county are starting their own businesses or pursuing careers in fields like technology and sustainability. This has led to a shift in the local economy, with new businesses cropping up and a greater focus on innovation and sustainability.

Overall, the Gott-com Generation is having a significant impact on Sussex County, driving changes in technology adoption, social activism, and business development. As this generation continues to come of age and assert their influence, it will be interesting to see how their presence shapes the future of the county.