Dodd Cleared to Run for Mayor by Judge

Dodd Cleared to Run for Mayor by Judge

In a recent turn of events, former Congressman Barney Frank’s aide, John Dodd, has been cleared to run for mayor by a judge. This decision comes after Dodd was initially disqualified from the race due to a technicality in his nomination papers.

Dodd’s campaign had submitted nomination papers with signatures that were not dated, as required by Massachusetts law. However, Dodd argued that the lack of dates did not invalidate the signatures and that he had made a good faith effort to comply with the law.

The judge agreed with Dodd’s argument and ruled that the lack of dates did not render the signatures invalid. This decision clears the way for Dodd to continue his campaign for mayor of Newton, Massachusetts.

Dodd’s candidacy has been controversial from the start. He is a relative newcomer to Newton politics, having only moved to the city in 2019. He also has ties to former Congressman Barney Frank, who is a polarizing figure in Massachusetts politics.

Despite these challenges, Dodd has gained support from some Newton residents who are looking for a fresh perspective in local government. He has emphasized his experience working on Capitol Hill and his commitment to transparency and accountability in government.

Dodd’s opponents have criticized him for his lack of experience in local politics and his ties to Frank. They have also raised concerns about his ability to effectively manage the city’s budget and address the needs of its diverse population.

The race for mayor of Newton is shaping up to be a closely contested one, with several candidates vying for the position. In addition to Dodd, there are two other candidates who have qualified for the ballot: City Councilor Ruthanne Fuller and former City Councilor Amy Mah Sangiolo.

Fuller is seen as the frontrunner in the race, having won a majority of votes in a recent straw poll conducted by the Newton Democratic City Committee. She has emphasized her experience on the City Council and her commitment to improving education and transportation in Newton.

Mah Sangiolo, who served on the City Council for 12 years, has also emphasized her experience in local government and her commitment to affordable housing and environmental sustainability.

The race for mayor of Newton is sure to be an interesting one, with three candidates offering different visions for the city’s future. With Dodd now cleared to run, the competition is sure to heat up as the election approaches.