Comparison of Fulop and Platkin for 2025 Election: Who Should You Support?

Comparison of Fulop and Platkin for 2025 Election: Who Should You Support?

Insiders absorbed the public political contributions of Matt Platkin and Steve Fulop this week with an admixture of disgust, and self-regret and recrimination.

They couldn’t help but see the pair of callow youths through a political prism, and they blandly added Platkin, the state’s Attorney General, to the growing heap of 2025 gubernatorial aspirants, which includes Fulop.

Why else would Platkin, they argued, plunge a dagger into the back of Caesar, no less his own governor, leaving Phil Murphy in a heap at the base of a bust of Pompei?

Platkin, of course, on his volition and in defiance of the interests of the U.S. Senate candidacy of First Lady Tammy Murphy, wrote a letter to federal Judge Zahid N. Quraishi, notifying him that his office will not defend the three state statutes that prescribe how New Jersey designs its primary ballots.

Establishment types hissed “ambition” in the aftermath, already preparing for statewide candidacy of the brilliant young attorney poised to look like a progressive hero at county conventions next year.

And Fulop?

Fulop was already trying to occupy that lane when Platkin cut in front of him, requiring the Mayor of Jersey City to do his own bit of First-Lady-under-the-bus-chucking. At the tail end of Murphy’s less than stellar stagger through the convention season, Fulop, in a public statement supposedly ringing with the wisdom of Solomon and the stoic resolve of Seneca, said:

“At this point, I don’t think it’s in the state’s best interest for Tammy to continue her campaign. As the Mayor of Jersey City, I’ll do what I think is right and advocate for Andy Kim to my constituents as the best choice as the next U.S. Senator.”

His words sent the same already Platkin-seething players to cringe anew.

Others simply shrugged.

What did the Murphys expect, riding into New Jersey politics on the chutes and ladders of Wall Street money?


Fulop was never loyal to the Murphys.

He comes from Wall Street himself.

As for Platkin, he was bright – maybe Phil Murphy’s brightest light in a stable full of people who ran into his arms after he got into politics, not before. “If I had just looked out for myself, and not been so damn loyal to my so-called friends, maybe I’d have done better,” an insider pondered dismally against the backdrop of self-motivated movers and shakers like Platkin and Fulop.

In the inimitable words of another Jersey City Mayor, Gerry McCann, “You don’t have friends in this business, just the people you meet in politics.”

With that in mind, if it were JUST THESE TWO running in a Democratic Primary for Governor, whom would you back? Or, in the words of another Jersey insider, irritated this week who both of them, “Who do you trust less?”

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As the 2025 election approaches, many voters are faced with the decision of who to support for the position of mayor. Two prominent candidates in the running are Steven Fulop and Amy Platkin. Both candidates have their own unique strengths and weaknesses, making it important for voters to carefully consider their platforms before casting their vote.

Steven Fulop, the incumbent mayor, has been in office since 2013 and has made significant strides in improving the city of Jersey City during his time in office. Fulop has focused on issues such as affordable housing, public safety, and economic development. He has also been a vocal advocate for social justice and has worked to make Jersey City a more inclusive and welcoming community for all residents.

On the other hand, Amy Platkin is a newcomer to the political scene but has quickly gained support for her progressive platform and fresh ideas. Platkin has emphasized the need for greater transparency in government, increased funding for education and healthcare, and environmental sustainability. She has also pledged to prioritize the needs of marginalized communities and work towards creating a more equitable society.

When comparing Fulop and Platkin, it is important for voters to consider their track records, policy proposals, and leadership styles. Fulop’s experience as mayor may give him an edge in terms of understanding the complexities of governing a city like Jersey City, while Platkin’s outsider perspective could bring new energy and ideas to the table.

Ultimately, the decision of who to support in the 2025 election will come down to each individual voter’s priorities and values. It is important for voters to research both candidates thoroughly, attend campaign events, and engage with their communities to make an informed decision on election day. Whichever candidate voters choose to support, it is crucial that they exercise their right to vote and participate in the democratic process to ensure that their voices are heard.