Celebration of Trump Insurrectionists Planned at Bedminster Bash – Insider NJ

Celebration of Trump Insurrectionists Planned at Bedminster Bash - Insider NJ

This seems like a spoof, but it’s apparently real.

Trump National in Bedminster will host an “awards gala” to benefit January 6 defendants on Sept. 5. Those inclined to catch the action live can do so for $1,500 on up to $30,000 for a table of 12.

This is how a promo for the event describes it:

“Join us for an unforgettable evening at the J6 Awards Gala, where we will honor and celebrate the twenty defendants who contributed to the powerful ‘Justice For All’ song. Released on March 3, 2023, this song quickly went Platinum, thanks to your unwavering support. Now ….  we gather to pay tribute not only to these individuals but to all J6 defendants who have shown incredible courage and sacrifice.”

The song in question is a rendition of the national anthem by about 20 Jan. 6 defendants as Donald Trump says the Pledge of Allegiance. Money raised at the event “will provide much-needed assistance to the January 6th defendants who continue to face significant challenges.”

No question about that. Many are in prison or awaiting trial.

Reports say Trump will not be at the event. However, the promo says the former president is an invited speaker.

Timing is everything in politics and the timing here seems a bit unfortunate.

Democrats highlighted the attack on the Capitol during their just concluded convention.

On Thursday, Craig Sicknick, brother of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, a New Jersey native who died a day after the attack, addressed the crowd.

Said Craig Sicknick:

“He (Trump)  incited the crowd while my brother and his fellow officers were putting their lives at risk. We need a real leader, not an autocrat who is stuck in the past.”

Trump has often spoken favorably about the individuals who stormed the Capitol, at times suggesting he would pardon them if he is elected president. Others in the MAGA movement like calling them political prisoners.

Not amused by this is Rep. Mikie Sherrill. In a statement Friday, She said in part:

“Donald Trump – a twice impeached convicted felon – doesn’t know the first thing about service to our country or upholding the Constitution. He continues to spotlight and celebrate members of an insurrectionist mob who violently attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power on January 6. Even worse, he pledged to pardon the thousands who’ve been convicted of crimes on January 6 – even those who assaulted the more than 140 law enforcement officers who were wounded during the insurrection. The American people have a clear choice in this election between a dangerous candidate who has said he would ‘terminate’ the Constitution, and Kamala Harris who will uphold it.”

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The planned celebration of Trump insurrectionists at a Bedminster bash has sparked controversy and outrage among many Americans. The event, which is set to take place at former President Donald Trump’s golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, has been met with criticism from those who believe it glorifies the violent attack on the Capitol on January 6th.

The event, organized by a group called “Patriot Voices,” is being billed as a “golf outing and dinner” to celebrate the so-called “political prisoners” who have been arrested and charged in connection with the insurrection. The group claims that the event is meant to show support for those who they believe are being unfairly persecuted by the government.

However, many see the event as a blatant attempt to downplay the seriousness of the attack on the Capitol and to lionize those who participated in it. The insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol on January 6th were attempting to overturn the results of a free and fair election, and their actions resulted in the deaths of five people, including a Capitol police officer.

Critics of the event have called on Trump to cancel the celebration and to denounce the actions of those who participated in the insurrection. They argue that holding a party to honor individuals who engaged in violent and seditious behavior sets a dangerous precedent and sends the wrong message to the American people.

In response to the backlash, a spokesperson for Trump’s golf club in Bedminster stated that they were not involved in organizing the event and that they do not endorse or support any activities that promote violence or lawlessness. However, the fact that the event is being held at Trump’s property has only added fuel to the fire, with many questioning the former President’s role in perpetuating the false narrative that the election was stolen.

As the controversy continues to swirl, it remains to be seen whether the celebration of Trump insurrectionists at the Bedminster bash will actually take place. But one thing is clear: the event has reignited the debate over how we as a society should respond to those who seek to undermine our democracy through violence and intimidation.