Bill Spadea Announces Candidacy for Governor as Pro-Trump Candidate – Insider NJ

Bill Spadea Announces Candidacy for Governor as Pro-Trump Candidate - Insider NJ

Today, Bill Spadea, New Jersey’s top-rated media personality and a leader among grassroots conservatives, declared his candidacy for Governor with the release of his campaign’s first video ad.

Titled “Let’s Get to Work,” the 2:45 ad peels back the curtain on Spadea’s radio program and highlights the struggles that everyday New Jerseyans call in to discuss with Bill daily. The Spadea campaign will be hosting their first campaign rally tomorrow, June 18th, at 7pm in Manchester Township. Interested parties can RSVP by clicking here.

Alongside the video, Spadea released the following statement:

“I’ve hosted my conservative radio show for nearly a decade and listened as concerned New Jerseyans
talked about their exit plans because they can no longer afford to live here. Scared parents call in
because New Jersey is no longer safe for them to raise their children. Members of the law enforcement
community call in because Trenton politicians have restricted their ability to do their job and forced
them to put criminals back out on the street.

“I’ve listened to the concerns and heard the message loud and clear. New Jerseyans are ready for a
fighter. Weak politicians have failed us time and time again and the people of New Jersey deserve
better. That’s why my wife Jodi and I have decided that we can no longer take a chance that someone
else will fix it. Like we taught our kids from a young age; it doesn’t matter who created the problem…blaming others doesn’t solve it. Sometimes you’ve gotta step up and fix it yourself. So, I’m in. I’m running for Governor and together we will fix our state. Now let’s get to work!

“To learn more about Bill and his campaign, visit”

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Bill Spadea, a well-known conservative radio host and political commentator, has announced his candidacy for Governor of New Jersey as a pro-Trump candidate. Spadea, who currently hosts the popular “Bill Spadea Show” on New Jersey 101.5 FM, made the announcement on his radio show earlier this week.

Spadea’s decision to run for Governor comes at a time when the Republican Party in New Jersey is looking for a strong candidate to challenge incumbent Governor Phil Murphy, a Democrat who is seeking re-election. Spadea has been a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump and his policies, and he has made it clear that he intends to run on a platform that aligns with Trump’s America First agenda.

In his announcement, Spadea emphasized the need for a change in leadership in New Jersey, citing high taxes, government overreach, and a lack of support for law enforcement as key issues that need to be addressed. He also highlighted his experience as a businessman and his commitment to fighting for the interests of working-class New Jersey residents.

Spadea’s candidacy has already garnered attention from both supporters and critics. Some see him as a strong conservative voice who can bring much-needed change to the state, while others view him as a divisive figure who may struggle to appeal to a broader electorate.

Regardless of how one views Spadea’s candidacy, it is clear that he will be a significant player in the upcoming gubernatorial race. His pro-Trump stance and outspoken personality are sure to make him a formidable challenger to Governor Murphy, and his candidacy will undoubtedly add an interesting dynamic to the race.

As the campaign heats up, it will be interesting to see how Spadea’s message resonates with voters across New Jersey. Will his pro-Trump platform attract enough support to propel him to victory, or will he struggle to gain traction in a state that has historically leaned Democratic? Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: Bill Spadea’s candidacy is sure to shake up the race for Governor in New Jersey.