Bergen Health Official Advises Residents to Remain Indoors for Safety – Insider NJ

Bergen Health Official Advises Residents to Remain Indoors for Safety - Insider NJ

Bergen Health Official Advises Residents to Remain Indoors for Safety

The Bergen County Health Department has issued an advisory to residents to remain indoors for safety. The advisory comes as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected communities across the globe.

The advisory was issued in response to the recent surge in COVID-19 cases in Bergen County. The county has seen a significant increase in the number of positive cases in recent weeks, with many of these cases being linked to community spread.

The advisory recommends that residents limit their exposure to others by staying indoors as much as possible. This includes avoiding large gatherings, practicing social distancing, and wearing masks when in public places.

The advisory also encourages residents to take steps to protect themselves and their families from COVID-19. This includes washing hands frequently, avoiding touching the face, and staying home if feeling sick.

In addition to the advisory, the Bergen County Health Department is also working to increase access to testing for COVID-19. The department is working with local healthcare providers to expand testing capacity and ensure that residents have access to testing when needed.

The department is also working to provide education and resources to help residents understand the risks associated with COVID-19 and how to protect themselves and their families.

Overall, the advisory is an important reminder that COVID-19 is still a serious threat to public health. By taking steps to limit exposure and protect oneself and others, residents can help to slow the spread of the virus and keep their communities safe.