Analysis of the Lack of Transparency in New Jersey Politics by Insider NJ

Analysis of the Lack of Transparency in New Jersey Politics by Insider NJ


Before the debate we already knew some things about Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.

We knew that Trump disdains those who have shed their blood for this country – the latest incident being his misuse of Arlington National Cemetery to make political commercials. Preceded, of course, by Trump denigrating a Gold Star family, mocking John McCain for “getting captured,” and describing those veterans who sacrificed their lives as “suckers and losers.”  Which should be viewed through the prism of Trump’s lies about his phony bone spurs to avoid the draft. The “bone spurs” in a foot he can’t recall diagnosed by a doctor he can’t remember that mysteriously disappeared on their own even though real bone spurs never do.

We knew that many Americans are deeply and justifiably upset about inflation and the border, blame Biden and, by extension, distrust Harris’ willingness to address it.

We also knew Trump’s view of women – having been caught on an Access Hollywood tape bragging how they let him grope their genitalia. As well as a jury’s verdict that he sexually assaulted Jean Carroll in a department store dressing room. Separate and apart from his transactional flip flopping on abortion.

What, then, did the debate show us that was new?

Well – regardless of how you feel about Harris’ policy proposals – we saw that she is formidable and has real presence, undergirded by authenticity.

We were reminded that however much Trump is personally disliked (even by many who support him), he dislikes America even more. Instead of accepting the peaceful transfer of power or taking any responsibility for the disgrace of January 6th, Trump lost it. Over what? Crowd size. Revealing himself as an angry old man who demands adulation he has not earned.

And we learned that besides being an old man, Trump is also an incoherent one.  Because last night was a very important night for both candidates.  If Trump could have restrained his temper, focused, and made structured arguments, he would have. But Trump can’t, and his simple inability to do so was there for all to see.

So understood, all the post-debate handwringing by other Republicans about Trump’s “lost opportunities” to attack Harris really misses the point. She still needs to (and hopefully soon will) better establish her moderate bona fides. Trump didn’t fail to exploit those gaps in her record because he is a gentleman. He let those “opportunities” slip because Trump lacks the mental acuity to use them.

Indeed, on the internet much of the Republican handwringing occurred before the debate. Why? Because those close to Trump in this election cycle fully understood that whatever his mental acuity was in 2016, and even 2020, it is far less now. Meaning – among other things – that to Trump’s complete lack of military experience and profound disinterest in military affairs we can now add the fact that he is well past his use by date to be our Commander-in-Chief.

When Joe Biden hit the acuity wall, he stepped down – pushed by the Democratic Party and many ordinary Democratic voters. Having seen what we have all now seen, what is the Republican Party’s excuse? And – let me just say it. To those who still plan to vote for Trump, what is yours?

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New Jersey politics has long been plagued by a lack of transparency, with insider dealings and backroom deals often overshadowing the democratic process. One of the most prominent sources of information on this issue is Insider NJ, a website dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the state’s political machinations.

One of the key issues highlighted by Insider NJ is the influence of special interest groups on New Jersey politics. These groups often wield significant power and influence over elected officials, using their financial resources to sway decisions in their favor. This can lead to a lack of transparency in the decision-making process, as politicians may prioritize the interests of these groups over those of their constituents.

Another area of concern is the lack of transparency in campaign finance. Insider NJ has reported on numerous instances of politicians receiving large donations from special interest groups and wealthy donors, often without disclosing the source of these funds. This lack of transparency can erode public trust in the political system and create a perception of corruption.

Insider NJ has also highlighted the issue of nepotism in New Jersey politics, where politicians appoint family members and close associates to key positions within government. This can lead to conflicts of interest and a lack of accountability, as these individuals may prioritize personal relationships over the public good.

Overall, Insider NJ’s analysis of the lack of transparency in New Jersey politics sheds light on the challenges facing the state’s democratic process. By uncovering these issues and holding politicians accountable, Insider NJ plays a crucial role in promoting transparency and accountability in New Jersey politics.