An Overview of the Kim – Bashaw Debates on Insider NJ

An Overview of the Kim - Bashaw Debates on Insider NJ

When Curtis Bashaw spoke to supporters at a Boonton Township event two weeks ago, he said two U.S. Senate debates were on tap assuming the details could be worked out.

Apparently they were – and then some.

The Senate campaign of Democrat Andy Kim on Tuesday said he will participate in three debates with Bashaw.

The men are vying to replace the convicted Bob Menendez in the Senate. Menendez filed to run as an independent, but that was before his conviction on various corruption charges. Menendez has said he will resign his seat later this month. Gov. Phil Murphy will then name a “caretaker” to serve the remainder of Menendez’ term.

The debates, according to the Kim campaign will be as follows:

Oct. 6 at 8 p.m. Sponsors are the New Jersey Globe, The Rebovich Institute for New Jersey Politics at Rider University, and On New Jersey

Oct. 15 at 8 p.m. The sponsor is NJ Spotlight News at NJ PBS.

Oct. 22 at 8 p.m. The sponsor is News 12 New Jersey.

Democrats have won every U.S. Senate election in the state since 1972, so Kim has to be considered the favorite.


Still, Bashaw poses an interesting challenge. To get the party’s nomination, he had to beat a Donald Trump-endorsed candidate in the primary – Christine Serrano Glassner.

Bashaw says he’s the “centrist” in the race and his talk in Boonton Township certainly put that on display. He talked about America being a place for all regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation. He quoted Muhammad Ali and referenced Harvey Milk, figures not usually brought up at GOP gatherings.

He said Kim is the liberal extremist in the race.

Kim is not impressed by any of this.

In a statement accompanying the debate announcement, Kim said:

“Does New Jersey want to move forward and make the American Dream more accessible and affordable for everyone, or does New Jersey want to go backwards with a MAGA agenda that only helps the well-off and well-connected? Curtis Bashaw will also have to answer for why he strongly supports the Supreme Court’s dangerous decision to end reproductive rights for women across our country. I’m ready to show why our country needs public servants instead of out-of-touch multi-millionaires.”

Let the debating begin.

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The Kim-Bashaw debates on Insider NJ have been a hot topic of discussion among political enthusiasts and New Jersey residents alike. These debates have provided a platform for the two candidates, Hirsh Singh and Phil Rizzo, to showcase their policies and ideologies in the race for the Republican nomination for governor.

The debates have covered a wide range of issues, including taxes, education, healthcare, and infrastructure. Both candidates have presented their plans for addressing these issues and have engaged in lively discussions on how best to move New Jersey forward.

One of the key points of contention between the two candidates has been their approach to taxes. Singh has advocated for cutting taxes across the board, arguing that this will stimulate economic growth and attract businesses to the state. Rizzo, on the other hand, has proposed a more targeted approach to tax cuts, focusing on middle-class families and small businesses.

Education has also been a major focus of the debates, with both candidates outlining their plans for improving schools and increasing access to quality education for all New Jersey residents. Singh has emphasized the importance of school choice and empowering parents to make decisions about their children’s education. Rizzo has focused on increasing funding for public schools and ensuring that all students have access to a high-quality education.

Healthcare has been another key issue in the debates, with both candidates offering their solutions for addressing rising healthcare costs and improving access to care. Singh has proposed expanding access to telemedicine and reducing regulations on healthcare providers. Rizzo has advocated for increasing transparency in healthcare pricing and expanding access to mental health services.

Infrastructure has also been a major point of discussion in the debates, with both candidates outlining their plans for improving New Jersey’s roads, bridges, and public transportation systems. Singh has proposed investing in infrastructure projects that will create jobs and stimulate economic growth. Rizzo has focused on prioritizing maintenance and repairs to existing infrastructure to ensure the safety and efficiency of New Jersey’s transportation systems.

Overall, the Kim-Bashaw debates on Insider NJ have provided voters with valuable insights into the policies and priorities of the two Republican candidates vying for the governorship. As the race continues to heat up, it will be interesting to see how these debates shape the outcome of the election and ultimately impact the future of New Jersey.