State Grand Jury Indicts Chief of Manville Police Department on Suspension

State Grand Jury Indicts Chief of Manville Police Department on Suspension

On Tuesday, October 19th, a state grand jury indicted the Chief of the Manville Police Department, Mark Peltack, on charges of official misconduct and theft. Peltack has been suspended from his position since May of this year, following an investigation into allegations of misconduct.

The charges against Peltack stem from his alleged misuse of police department funds. According to the indictment, Peltack used department funds to purchase personal items, including clothing and electronics. He is also accused of using department funds to pay for a personal vacation.

In addition to the theft charges, Peltack is also facing charges of official misconduct. The indictment alleges that he used his position as chief to intimidate and harass other members of the police department. Specifically, he is accused of threatening to fire officers who did not comply with his orders.

The charges against Peltack are serious and could result in significant penalties if he is convicted. Official misconduct is a second-degree offense in New Jersey, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $150,000 fine. Theft charges can also result in significant penalties, depending on the value of the items stolen.

The indictment of Peltack is a reminder of the importance of ethical behavior in law enforcement. Police officers are entrusted with significant power and authority, and it is essential that they use that power responsibly and ethically. When officers abuse their power or engage in misconduct, it undermines public trust in law enforcement and can have serious consequences for both the officers involved and the communities they serve.

The Manville Police Department has stated that it is cooperating fully with the investigation and that it is committed to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. The department has also emphasized that the alleged actions of one individual do not reflect the values or behavior of the department as a whole.

As the case against Peltack moves forward, it will be important to ensure that he is held accountable for any wrongdoing. At the same time, it is essential to remember that the vast majority of police officers are dedicated professionals who work tirelessly to serve and protect their communities. The actions of a few individuals should not be allowed to tarnish the reputation of law enforcement as a whole.