Insider NJ Reports: Kean’s ‘Town Hall’ Event Yields Zero Questions on Trump.

Insider NJ Reports: Kean's 'Town Hall' Event Yields Zero Questions on Trump.

On Tuesday, September 17th, Republican Congressman Tom Kean Jr. held a “town hall” event in Scotch Plains, New Jersey. The event was open to the public and advertised as an opportunity for constituents to ask Kean questions about issues that matter to them. However, according to Insider NJ, not a single person in attendance asked Kean about President Trump.

This may come as a surprise to some, given that Trump is a highly controversial figure who has dominated headlines since he announced his candidacy for president in 2015. However, it’s important to note that Kean represents New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District, which includes parts of Union, Somerset, Morris, Essex, and Warren counties. This area is relatively affluent and suburban, with a mix of conservative and moderate voters.

It’s possible that Kean’s constituents simply don’t view Trump as a pressing issue. According to a recent poll by Monmouth University, only 36% of New Jersey residents approve of the job Trump is doing as president. However, this number varies widely depending on the region of the state. In the 7th District specifically, it’s unclear what percentage of voters support Trump and what percentage oppose him.

Another possibility is that Kean’s constituents simply didn’t feel comfortable asking about Trump in a public forum. The current political climate is highly polarized, and discussing Trump can be a sensitive topic. It’s possible that some attendees didn’t want to risk being seen as either pro- or anti-Trump in front of their neighbors.

Regardless of the reason for the lack of questions about Trump, it’s worth noting that Kean has been a vocal supporter of the president in the past. In 2016, he served as co-chair of Trump’s New Jersey campaign. He has also voted in line with Trump’s positions on issues such as healthcare and taxes.

It remains to be seen whether Kean’s constituents will continue to avoid discussing Trump at future events. However, this town hall serves as a reminder that not all voters view the president as the most pressing issue facing the country. As the 2020 election approaches, it will be interesting to see how candidates and voters in different regions prioritize the various issues at stake.