Assembly Candidate Calls for Even Playing Field for All Candidates
Earlier this week, state lawmakers announced a new proposal (A5116) to redesign New Jersey’s primary ballots with special advantages for candidates endorsed by political insiders and party bosses. The legislation would allow only county-party endorsed candidates to identify as a Democrat or Republican in their slogan, allows for the grouping of candidates running for the same office, and does not allow for computerized randomization of ballot drawings, subjecting voters and candidates to potential manipulation of ballot positions.
In response to the proposed legislation, Democratic State Assembly candidate Katie Brennan releases the following statement:
“This proposal is an insult to voters and flies in the face of a federal court’s order for fair ballots. Instead of fixing a broken system, this replaces old corrupt ballots with new corrupt ballots, and voters deserve better.
“As a proud Democrat, I should be able to run on my party’s name and values, but this legislation says I can’t — unless county party insiders give me their approval. That’s ridiculous.
“Allowing candidates to be grouped together would give them an unfair edge and recreates the same rigged system we had with the “county line.” It pressures independent candidates like me to associate with someone else just to be seen.
“Designing a fair ballot isn’t rocket science. Lawmakers need to stop protecting the status quo and start focusing on giving voters a real chance.”
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Katie Brennan is a Democratic candidate for State Assembly in Legislative District 32, covering Hoboken and parts of Jersey City. Katie testified in support of fair ballots earlier this month at a public legislative hearing on New Jersey’s ballot design.
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Katie Brennan, a prominent political figure in New Jersey, has recently spoken out against a ballot proposal that she believes is rigged and insulting to voters. The proposal in question, which aims to amend the state constitution to allow for the legalization of recreational marijuana, has been a hotly debated topic in the state for months.
Brennan, who is the CEO of a political consulting firm and has been involved in numerous political campaigns, has raised concerns about the way the proposal is being presented to voters. She argues that the language of the proposal is intentionally misleading and designed to manipulate voters into supporting it.
In a recent statement, Brennan criticized the proposal for not including key details about how the legalization of marijuana would be implemented, regulated, and taxed. She also expressed concerns about the potential impact of legalization on public health and safety, particularly in communities that are already struggling with substance abuse issues.
Brennan’s criticism of the ballot proposal has sparked a larger conversation about the role of transparency and honesty in the political process. Many voters are now questioning the motives behind the proposal and whether it truly serves the best interests of the people of New Jersey.
As the debate over the legalization of recreational marijuana continues to unfold, it is clear that Brennan’s voice will be an important one to listen to. Her insights and expertise in the political arena make her a valuable resource for voters who are seeking to make informed decisions about this important issue. Ultimately, it will be up to the voters of New Jersey to decide whether they believe the ballot proposal is fair and honest, or if they agree with Brennan that it is rigged and insulting.