Bramnick Holds Fundraising Event with Wide Network of Supporters, Including Dan Geltrude – Insider NJ

Bramnick Holds Fundraising Event with Wide Network of Supporters, Including Dan Geltrude - Insider NJ

WESTFIELD – Jon Bramnick built up a lifetime of goodwill in his community going back to when he first started pounding on doors in his hometown of Plainfield. Along the way, moving from the Queen City to neighboring Westfield, and going from local government service to the state legislature, and the Assembly to the Senate, the social extrovert built an army of allies who stayed with him, because he stayed with him.

Now, as he runs for governor in the developing 2025 Republican Primary, Bramnick looks prepared and in his veteran political prime. A life well lived, sustained by family and friendships cultivated over many years, makes his gubernatorial intention in his home state feel less calculated or forced and more like the wholly natural expression of a lively and authentic public presence.

Assemblywoman Munoz.

His fundraiser last night at his home here proved his biggest yet, as fundraising friends and political supporters gathered for pizza and conversation at O’Bramnick’s – the pub concept he devised some years back to underscore the easygoing neighborhood atmosphere. The state senator introduced Gwen Crews, one of his longest-standing allies, going back to Bramnick’s first campaigns in Plainfield, and Vinnie Brand, the noted comedian and owner of the Stress Factory Comedy Club, where Bramnick frequently performs, and where he launched his campaign for governor earlier this year.

His old friends love Bramnick and are eager to vouch for him, as is longtime running mate, Assemblywoman Nancy Munoz (R-21), and many others contributing to a growing mood of purpose around the veteran lawmaker’s candidacy.

“If you can have friends for a long period of time and concentrate on your friends and make sure you’re loyal, that shows character,” said Bramnick, as people packed the patio outside the Bramnick home and mingled.

Dan Geltrude

The keynote speaker of the fundraising event was Dan Geltrude, America’s accountant, who stood on a chair over the crowd.

Senator Bramnick works the room.

“I call Jon Bramnick ‘professor,’ and there’s a reason for that going back to the mid 80’s at Rider [University] when I had Jon Bramnick as my business law professor,” Geltrude said. “Can you believe it? I look older than him. The word then was ‘take Bramnick, he’s an easy grader.’ But in all of our lives there is a teacher or a professor you have, people who really impact your life and change the course and direction of your life, and in my case that’s true too because after I took Professor Bramnick’s class I thought there’s no way I’m becoming a lawyer.”

Bramnick laughed heartily.

Then Geltrude made it clear he plans to work aggressively on the candidate’s behalf to raise money for him and to insist that other results-driven people join him. “As we go out and we’re already committed, we need to get other people not just to vote but we need to raise money,” said the accountant, who insisted a contribution now to Bramnick is a return on investment. “If you don’t want your taxes to go up, make the contribution. …When [Bramnick] wins, you’re going to get back far more than that in saved taxes.” Geltrude proved a strong fundraiser for former Governor Chris Christie.

The event.

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Assemblyman Jon Bramnick recently held a successful fundraising event with a wide network of supporters, including prominent financial expert Dan Geltrude. The event, which took place at a local venue in New Jersey, attracted a diverse group of individuals who came together to show their support for Bramnick’s re-election campaign.

Bramnick, who has served as a member of the New Jersey General Assembly since 2003, is known for his bipartisan approach to politics and his dedication to serving the people of his district. He has been a strong advocate for issues such as education reform, property tax relief, and public safety.

One of the highlights of the fundraising event was the presence of Dan Geltrude, a well-respected financial expert and media personality. Geltrude, who is the founder of Geltrude & Company and a regular contributor to various news outlets, has been a longtime supporter of Bramnick and his efforts to improve the state of New Jersey.

Geltrude’s presence at the event helped to attract a diverse group of supporters, including business leaders, community activists, and local residents. His endorsement of Bramnick’s re-election campaign added credibility to the event and helped to generate excitement among attendees.

In addition to Geltrude, the event also featured speeches from Bramnick and other local leaders, as well as opportunities for attendees to network and socialize. The event was a great success, raising significant funds for Bramnick’s campaign and energizing his supporters as they gear up for the upcoming election.

Overall, Bramnick’s fundraising event with a wide network of supporters, including Dan Geltrude, was a testament to his strong leadership and the broad base of support he has cultivated throughout his years in office. As he continues to campaign for re-election, Bramnick can count on the support of a diverse and dedicated group of individuals who believe in his vision for a better New Jersey.