Assembly Committee Approves Legislative Package Addressing NJ Disparity Study Findings

Assembly Committee Approves Legislative Package Addressing NJ Disparity Study Findings

Assemblywoman Shavonda Sumter, Chair of the Legislative Black Caucus, Assemblyman Benjie E. Wimberly, Speaker Pro Tempore, and other legislators and community leaders gathered today to announce a package of legislation designed to address the findings of the New Jersey Disparity Study earlier this year. Following the announcement, the Assembly Community Development and Women’s Affairs Committee advanced the bills.

“The findings of the New Jersey Disparity Study make it clear that while we’ve made strides, much work remains to achieve true equity,” said Assemblywoman Sumter (D-Bergen, Passaic), Chair of the Assembly Community Development and Women’s Affairs Committee. “This comprehensive package of bills is designed to directly address these disparities, ensuring that minority- and women-owned businesses not only have fair access to government contracts but also the resources needed to compete and succeed. Our focus is on holding state agencies accountable, expanding opportunities, and fostering a truly inclusive and equitable economy that benefits every resident of New Jersey.”

Assemblywoman Sumter noted that Black-owned companies in New Jersey represent 9.19% of the available construction businesses, yet they receive only a small fraction of the dollars in construction contracts. Additional data determined within the New Jersey Disparity Study can be found here.

“We’re not just dealing with equity here; we’re putting policies in place that will drive real, lasting change that will benefit business owners and the New Jersey economy for generations. Since the findings of the Disparity Study were released, we’ve met with many stakeholders, listened to their concerns, and now we are taking steps towards leveling the playing field,” said Assemblyman Wimberly (D-Bergen, Passaic), who also co-chairs the Joint Committee on Economic Justice and Equal Employment Opportunity. “These bills are a direct response to those concerns, and the wide range of sponsors on these bills—representing different communities and perspectives—demonstrates that this is a shared priority for all of us.”

The bills advanced today include:

  • A4487 (Sumter/Reynolds-Jackson) – Requires State Contract Mangers to monitor work conducted by subcontractors on State contracts.
  • A4548 (Sumter/Hall) – Provides corporate business tax and gross income tax credits for employers of certain persons with disabilities.
  • A4586 (Sumter/Reynolds-Jackson/Hall) – Establishes “Minority and Women-Owned Businesses State Contractor Remedies Act.”
  • A4648 (Sumter/Reynolds-Jackson) – Provides for State agencies to issue advanced payments to certified business enterprises awarded State contracts.
  • A4719 (Reynolds-Jackson/Haider/Atkins/Sampson) – Requires certain notifications to subcontractors listed on bid for State contract by prime contractor.
  • A4720 (Morales/Ramirez/Rodriguez/Haider) – Requires Chief Diversity Officer in Department of Treasury and other State officers to conduct certain outreach events, training workshops, and educational programs for minority and women-owned businesses.
  • A4721 (Wimberly/Park/Collazos-Gill/Spearman) – Requires Department of Treasury to update New Jersey Disparity Study every five years.
  • A4722 (Wimberly/Lopez/Carter/Spearman) – Requires State agencies to make good faith effort to increase awarding of contracts procured without advertisement to minority- and women-owned businesses.
  • A4723 (Wimberly/Reynolds-Jackson/Park/Atkins) – Modifies title and role of Chief Diversity Officer; establishes New Jersey Office of Supplier Diversity and Business Opportunities.
  • A4724 (Stanley/Quijano/McCoy) – Establishes sheltered market program for certain business enterprises seeking State contracts.
  • A4725 (Wimberly/Speight/Bagolie) – Requires State agencies to make good faith effort towards certain goals to use certified minority and women-owned businesses as prime contractors and subcontractors.

A4744 (Wimberly/Morales/McCoy/Ramirez) – Requires NJTA, SJTA, EDA, CRDA, PANYNJ, and DRPA to consider minorities and women when hiring or awarding contracts.

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The Assembly Committee in New Jersey recently approved a legislative package aimed at addressing the findings of a disparity study conducted in the state. The study, which was commissioned by the New Jersey Department of Transportation, revealed significant disparities in contracting opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses.

The legislative package includes several bills that seek to address these disparities and promote greater equity in contracting opportunities. One of the key components of the package is a bill that would establish a Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) program within the Department of Transportation. This program would set goals for contracting with MWBEs and require the department to report on its progress in meeting these goals.

Another bill in the package would require state agencies to conduct disparity studies every five years to assess the effectiveness of their MWBE programs and identify any barriers to participation. This bill aims to ensure that the state is continually working to address disparities and promote greater equity in contracting opportunities.

In addition to these bills, the legislative package includes measures to increase transparency and accountability in contracting processes, as well as provide technical assistance and support to MWBEs. These initiatives are designed to help MWBEs overcome barriers to entry and compete on a level playing field with larger, more established firms.

Overall, the approval of this legislative package by the Assembly Committee represents a significant step towards addressing the findings of the disparity study and promoting greater equity in contracting opportunities for minority and women-owned businesses in New Jersey. By implementing these measures, the state can work towards creating a more inclusive and diverse business environment that benefits all stakeholders.