Sherrill’s Endorsement Boosts Salerno’s Campaign in Crucial Race – Insider NJ

Sherrill's Endorsement Boosts Salerno's Campaign in Crucial Race - Insider NJ

Mikie Sherrill, the US Representative for New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District, has joined with other New Jersey leaders rallying around Joe Salerno. His bid to retake NJ-02 is now seen as one of the best opportunities for Democrats in this election cycle.

“Some people were surprised in 2018 when we flipped NJ-11 from red to blue – but it was no surprise to the grassroots supporters who were hungry for change and demanding real leadership in Congress,” recalled Sherrill. “That’s exactly what Joe brings to this race – better leadership for New Jersey. People have had enough of the extremism and inaction from the Republican majority. They want their rights protected, their families provided for, and their leaders working together to get things done for New Jersey families.”

Sherrill’s support closely follows that of Rep Watson Coleman from NJ-12 in yet another sign of Salerno’s growing momentum. “Rep. Sherrill set a great example of how to lead on issues over rhetoric, on service over self-service,” said Salerno. “South Jersey cannot continue to be left behind by an incumbent who spends more time looking for TV cameras than he does helping the people of the district.”

Salerno was referring to incumbent Jeff Van Drew, who was expecting a repeat of last term’s re- election until Salerno’s upset Democratic primary win. The Van Drew campaign has been unexpectedly quiet, indicating they’re not yet sure how to take on their new and more formidable opponent. An overview of Salerno’s campaign is at

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In a crucial race for a political seat, endorsements can make all the difference in a candidate’s campaign. This was certainly the case for candidate Salerno, who recently received a significant endorsement from Sherrill, a prominent figure in the political arena.

Sherrill’s endorsement of Salerno is a major boost to his campaign, as she carries a lot of influence and credibility within the political community. Her support can help to sway undecided voters and rally support from other key figures in the political landscape.

The endorsement from Sherrill also signals to voters that Salerno is a candidate worth backing. It shows that he has the support and approval of someone who is well-respected and trusted in the political world, which can help to build confidence in his candidacy.

Additionally, endorsements like this can help to raise awareness of a candidate’s campaign and increase their visibility among voters. With Sherrill’s endorsement, Salerno’s campaign is likely to receive more attention and coverage in the media, which can help to attract more supporters and boost his chances of success in the race.

Overall, endorsements play a crucial role in political campaigns, and Sherrill’s endorsement of Salerno is sure to have a positive impact on his campaign in this crucial race. It will be interesting to see how this endorsement shapes the outcome of the race and whether it ultimately helps Salerno secure victory.