Congressman Pascrell Faces Setback, According to Insider NJ Report

Congressman Pascrell Faces Setback, According to Insider NJ Report


Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr. suffered a setback during his extended hospitalization this week, and the 87-year-old congressman needed “breathing assistance,” his staff said.

Pascrell has been at St. Joseph’s University Hospital since he checked himself in on July 14 for what his staff said was treatment for a fever.

Pascrell chief of staff, Ben Rich, issued an update on his condition on Wednesday afternoon.

“While recovering from a respiratory infection in the hospital, Congressman Pascrell had a setback,” Rich said. “Since then the medical professionals at St Joe’s have given the congressman breathing assistance and are monitoring his condition.

“Doctors tell us he continues to improve and remain hopeful for a complete recovery,” Rich added.

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Congressman Bill Pascrell, who represents New Jersey’s 9th Congressional District, is facing a setback according to a recent report by Insider NJ. The report indicates that Pascrell’s re-election campaign may be in trouble due to a number of factors.

One of the main issues highlighted in the report is Pascrell’s declining popularity among voters in his district. This could be attributed to a variety of reasons, including his stance on certain controversial issues or his overall performance as a congressman. It is crucial for politicians to maintain a positive image among their constituents in order to secure re-election, so this decline in popularity could be a major obstacle for Pascrell.

Another factor mentioned in the report is the potential for strong opposition in the upcoming election. If Pascrell is facing a formidable challenger, it could make it even more difficult for him to retain his seat in Congress. Competition in politics is fierce, and a strong opponent can pose a serious threat to an incumbent’s re-election prospects.

Additionally, the report suggests that Pascrell may be struggling to raise enough funds for his campaign. Money plays a significant role in political campaigns, as it is needed for advertising, outreach efforts, and other essential expenses. If Pascrell is unable to secure enough funding, it could severely hamper his ability to effectively campaign and connect with voters.

Overall, the Insider NJ report paints a challenging picture for Congressman Pascrell as he gears up for re-election. It will be interesting to see how he navigates these obstacles and whether he is able to overcome them in order to secure another term in office. As the election approaches, all eyes will be on Pascrell and his campaign to see how he responds to this setback.