Insider NJ: Learn About Ciattarelli’s History with Trump in New Spadea Ad

Insider NJ: Learn About Ciattarelli's History with Trump in New Spadea Ad

Bill Spadea released a new ad, Loyalty Matters, which highlights Jack Ciattarelli’s long history of anti-Trump comments.

“I have been a supporter of President Trump from Day One,” said Spadea. “His vision to Make America Great Again and unite our country is exactly what was needed back in 2016 and that remains even more true today. We all witnessed the attempted assassination on July 13. Donald Trump deserves people who stand with him, not weak-kneed politicians who cut and run.”

Ciattarelli has called Donald Trump an “embarrassment,” a “charlatan,” he called for Trump to withdraw from the race and even suggested that Paul Ryan or Mike Pence replace Trump as our candidate for President.

The full ad can be viewed by clicking here.

The script from the ad is below:

Newscaster: Today, Jack Ciattarelli called Donald Trump a charlatan and an embarrassment.

Jack Ciattarelli said he would not vote for Trump and demanded the Trump withdraw and be replaced by Mike Pence or Paul Ryan.

Ciattarelli called Joe Biden our legitimate President.

Spadea: Loyalty matters to President Trump.

President Trump: Bill, you’ve had my back from the beginning and I really appreciate it.

Spadea: Ciattarelli… he’s a fake Republican who turned his back on President Trump.

Not me. I’m a real conservative. Tough on immigration and will cut taxes. As your Governor, I will put you and New Jersey first!

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In a recent ad released by New Jersey gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli, viewers are given insight into his history with former President Donald Trump. The ad, which features radio host Bill Spadea, highlights Ciattarelli’s relationship with Trump and sheds light on how it has evolved over the years.

Ciattarelli, a Republican candidate running for governor in New Jersey, has had a complex relationship with Trump. In the ad, Spadea explains that Ciattarelli initially supported Trump during the 2016 presidential election, but later distanced himself from the former president due to his controversial rhetoric and behavior.

The ad goes on to show Ciattarelli speaking out against Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and his response to the January 6th Capitol riot. Despite their differences, Ciattarelli acknowledges that Trump has had a significant impact on American politics and that he respects the former president for his accomplishments.

The ad aims to provide voters with a more nuanced understanding of Ciattarelli’s relationship with Trump and how it has influenced his political views. By addressing this topic head-on, Ciattarelli is positioning himself as a candidate who is willing to stand up for his beliefs, even if it means going against party lines.

As the gubernatorial race in New Jersey heats up, Ciattarelli’s history with Trump is sure to be a topic of conversation among voters. By addressing this issue in his campaign ad, Ciattarelli is showing that he is not afraid to tackle tough questions and provide transparency to the public.

Overall, the ad serves as a reminder that politicians are not defined by their relationships with other figures, but rather by their own values and beliefs. Voters will ultimately have to decide whether Ciattarelli’s history with Trump is a positive or negative factor in their decision at the polls.