Booker Urges Menendez to Resign, According to Insider NJ

Booker Urges Menendez to Resign, According to Insider NJ


Today, U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) issued the following statement:


“This is a dark, painful day for the people of New Jersey. 


“Representing people in Congress demands the public’s trust. When any elected official violates that trust, it is a betrayal of the oath we take to serve the people who’ve elected us. Without that trust, our ability to do our work and perform our duties for our constituents is compromised.


“Senator Menendez was afforded his due process rights and mounted a full defense in a court of law, as every criminal defendant has the constitutional right to do. This verdict means that a jury of Senator Menendez’s peers, sworn to be impartial, reviewed the evidence and unanimously concluded beyond a reasonable doubt that he had broken the law.


“I call on Senator Menendez to resign. I originally did so last fall because of the severity of the allegations against him and how they shook the public’s trust. Now, with this conviction, the urgency for Senator Menendez to step down and for the governor to appoint a replacement has even more urgency.”

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In a recent development, Senator Cory Booker has reportedly urged his colleague, Senator Bob Menendez, to resign from his position in light of the ongoing corruption trial he is facing. According to Insider NJ, Booker is said to have expressed his concerns about the negative impact Menendez’s legal troubles are having on the Democratic Party and the Senate as a whole.

Menendez, who has been a senator for New Jersey since 2006, is currently facing federal corruption charges related to his alleged acceptance of gifts and campaign contributions from a wealthy donor in exchange for political favors. The trial has been a major source of controversy and distraction for the senator, with many calling for his resignation in order to maintain the integrity of the Senate.

Booker’s reported urging of Menendez to step down comes as a surprise to some, as the two senators have been known to have a close working relationship in the past. However, it appears that Booker is putting the interests of the party and the Senate above personal allegiances in this case.

The call for Menendez’s resignation is not the first time that Booker has taken a strong stance on ethical issues within the Democratic Party. He has been a vocal advocate for transparency and accountability in government, and has called for stricter ethics rules for members of Congress.

It remains to be seen how Menendez will respond to Booker’s reported request for resignation. The senator has maintained his innocence throughout the trial and has vowed to fight the charges against him. However, with pressure mounting from both within his own party and from the public, it may become increasingly difficult for him to continue in his role as senator.

As this story continues to unfold, it serves as a reminder of the importance of ethical conduct and accountability in government. Senators like Cory Booker are setting an example by holding their colleagues to high standards of integrity, and it is crucial that all elected officials are held accountable for their actions.