“Insider NJ Urges Democratic Unity in Current Political Climate”

"Insider NJ Urges Democratic Unity in Current Political Climate"

Let’s not bury the lead here. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are the Democratic voters’ choice who won the primary, making them the best candidates in the race. As a delegate at the Democratic National Convention this August, I am sticking with them because they are who I and the Democratic people voted for, and who we need to focus on to defeat Trump this November. The Biden-Harris team beat Trump once, and they can beat him again.

Prior to the race beginning, we were aware of the President’s age and his lifelong public battle with a slight stutter. These aspects should not be used against him. In any other context, disqualifying someone based on these characteristics is discriminatory.

If anyone wanted to challenge the Biden-Harris ticket, the primary was the time to do so, but no one did because President Biden’s record speaks for itself: 

President Biden led a life-saving COVID-19 vaccine campaign, addressed gun violence with the bipartisan Safer Communities Act, and reduced health care costs through the Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act. He supported manufacturing and innovation with the CHIPS and Science Act, passed a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package for public works improvements, and committed $369 billion to climate change initiatives. He oversaw the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, made efforts toward student loan forgiveness, reduced child poverty through historic social welfare measures, and implemented a prescription drug price cap for seniors.

As some Democrats call for President Biden’s replacement, I stand firm against this distraction from what we need to focus on, which is getting the Biden-Harris team elected. If any President cannot complete their term, that is what the Vice President is there for, and Kamala Harris is very capable of stepping in. Ignoring Harris, a qualified Black and Asian woman, for potential replacement if needed reflects subliminal racism and sexism, which is wrong. Especially considering that Black women are the backbone of the Democratic Party, and VP Harris is literally next in line.

If Trump wins, he himself has said he will be a dictator, and after the attempted coup d’etat on  January 6th where the capitol police officer, military veteran, and New Jersey native Brian Sicknick lost his life, I believe him. If elected again, Trump will appoint more conservative federalist Supreme Court Justices, and Project 2025, organized by his previous administration, will dismantle unionized labor, free speech, the right to religion, immigration, affirmative action, and more, turning our country into a military state. 

Yet, Democrats are debating whether Joe Biden is too old after one debate, while Republicans are sticking by their candidate, a convicted felon and an anti-democratic leader. 

Discussing a change in candidates now risks another Trump victory, endangering our democracy and the freedoms we cherish. As Democrats, we must unite, use our time wisely, and put Principles over Politics. 

As a delegate for President Joe Biden, one of the most successful presidents in our history, I know the very notion of age and a stutter does not “trump” the threat of a pledged dictator fueled by racism.

Britnee N. Timberlake has represented the 34th Legislative District in the New Jersey Senate since January 2024, when she became New Jersey’s youngest state senator. Before she took office in the senate, Timberlake represented the 34th District in the New Jersey General Assembly from January 29, 2018. 

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In the midst of a highly polarized political climate, Insider NJ is urging Democrats to come together and unite in order to effectively combat the challenges facing the country. With the 2022 midterm elections fast approaching, it is crucial for the Democratic party to present a united front in order to secure victories and push forward their policy agenda.

The call for unity comes at a time when divisions within the Democratic party are becoming increasingly apparent. From disagreements over policy priorities to infighting among party members, there is a growing sense of disarray that threatens to undermine the party’s ability to effectively govern.

Insider NJ is emphasizing the importance of putting aside differences and focusing on common goals in order to achieve meaningful progress. By working together, Democrats can harness their collective power and mobilize voters to support their candidates and policies.

One key aspect of Democratic unity is the need for party members to prioritize the greater good over personal ambitions. This means setting aside egos and working towards a shared vision for a better future for all Americans.

Additionally, Insider NJ is calling on Democratic leaders to engage in constructive dialogue and find common ground on key issues. By listening to different perspectives and finding areas of agreement, Democrats can develop cohesive strategies that will resonate with voters and lead to electoral success.

Ultimately, the message from Insider NJ is clear: now is the time for Democrats to come together and unite in order to confront the challenges facing the country. By putting aside differences and working towards common goals, the party can build a stronger, more cohesive movement that will be better equipped to address the pressing issues of our time.