Watterman Declares Candidacy for Mayor of Jersey City in Official Announcement – Insider NJ

Watterman Declares Candidacy for Mayor of Jersey City in Official Announcement - Insider NJ

A dedicated community leader and advocate for progressive change, has officially announced their candidacy for Mayor of Jersey City. With a proven track record of effective leadership and a deep commitment to enhancing the quality of life for all residents, Council President Joyce Watterman brings a vision of inclusive growth and sustainable development to the upcoming mayoral race.

Yesterday at the largest Juneteenth Festival in New Jersey held at Liberty State Park, Council President Watterman announced her candidacy for Mayor of Jersey City. “Let us remember the fight is not over. I want to make it clear today on Juneteenth as a black woman I am running for Mayor of Jersey City.” She introduced some of  her candidates Lewis Spears, Alexander Hamilton, David Carment and Kenny Reyes. The crowd erupted with cheers and excitement. Having served on city council for 11 years, Council President has garnered extensive experience in addressing the diverse needs of Jersey City’s population. Her platform emphasizes:

  • Economic Empowerment: Implementing policies to support local businesses, create jobs, and ensure equitable economic opportunities.
  • Education and Youth Development: Enhancing educational outcomes and investing in programs that prepare Jersey City’s youth for success.
  • Public Safety: Collaborating with law enforcement and community organizations to promote safety and reduce crime.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Initiating initiatives to protect Jersey City’s environment and combat climate change.
  • Affordable Housing: Increasing access to affordable housing options and combating homelessness.

“I am committed to listening to the voices of our community and working tirelessly to make Jersey City a more prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable place for all.”


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In a recent official announcement, John Watterman has declared his candidacy for Mayor of Jersey City. Watterman, a long-time resident and community leader, is no stranger to local politics and has been actively involved in various community initiatives for years.

Watterman’s decision to run for mayor comes as no surprise to those who know him well. His passion for serving the people of Jersey City and his dedication to improving the quality of life for all residents have been evident in his work over the years.

In his official announcement, Watterman outlined his vision for the city, highlighting key issues such as affordable housing, public safety, and economic development. He emphasized the importance of creating a more inclusive and equitable city where all residents have access to opportunities for success.

Watterman’s candidacy has already garnered support from a wide range of community members, including local business owners, activists, and elected officials. His track record of leadership and commitment to making a positive impact in Jersey City make him a strong contender in the upcoming mayoral race.

As the campaign heats up, Watterman’s supporters are eager to see how his platform will resonate with voters and how he plans to address the pressing issues facing the city. With his experience and dedication to serving the community, Watterman is poised to bring positive change to Jersey City as its next mayor.