Kim and Altman collaborate on new project – Insider NJ

Kim and Altman collaborate on new project - Insider NJ

BRIDGEWATER – Andy Kim is still riding high, secure in the knowledge that he already has accomplished something pretty startling in New Jersey politics.

He now only beat the establishment’s choice for U.S. Senate – First Lady Tammy Murphy – he challenged “the line” in court and won.

So, what happens now?

Well, there are elections to get through.

Kim has opposition in next week’s Democratic primary, but his victory is just about assured. He also must be considered the favorite in the fall against one of two Republicans – Christine Serrano Glassner or Curtis Bashaw.

But beyond that, Kim offered this assessment of his recent triumph and the future.

“I think there is power in the reform agenda.”

Kim was the featured speaker along with CD-7 candidate Sue Altman at a Tuesday afternoon forum in the local library about the “influence of money in politics.”

Altman is the Democratic candidate challenging incumbent Republican Thomas H. Kean. The district leans Republican, but is still considered the most competitive in the state.

Also on hand was Tiffany Muller, the president of End Citizens United/ Let America Vote. As the name suggests, the group’s goal is to overturn the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision that cleared the way for unregulated campaign expenditures on behalf of candidates.

Overturning that decision given the court’s current makeup would not be easy.

That’s why Kim and others on the Democratic left have been so enthused by their recent success. The conversation centered on how to keep the momentum going.

Kim acknowledged that “big money” in politics combined with what he said are attempts to curtail voters’ rights are still a major problem. He said the current system is just grand for corporations and in a swipe at Elon Musk, for “billionaires” who build rocket ships.

As Muller noted, the people retain the power to change things, which is very much what happened in New Jersey. Kim’s Senate campaign took off and so-called grassroots support allowed him to win endorsements from many county committees throughout the state. Facing that, Murphy exited the race.

Duplicating that is not easy.

Apathy is one problem.

There were about a dozen people seated around a conference table and many admitted getting average people interested in the nuts and bolts of politics is not easy.

One speaker referred to a study that said only 13 percent of 18-year-olds are registered to vote. That’s a problem, because theoretically, at least. one would expect young people to embrace the anti-establishment message Kim and others are talking about.

Kim described it as realizing you do not need to “get permission” from party bosses to run.

Altman described the problem, or was it a challenge.

She said that after holding a number of events with college students, she realized why they are apathetic, cynical, or a combination of both.

“In their entire lifetime, they have never witnessed the federal government ever working properly,” Altman said.

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Renowned political strategists and consultants, Mike Kim and Steve Altman, have recently announced their collaboration on a new project that is set to shake up the political landscape in New Jersey. The duo, who have a combined experience of over 40 years in the industry, are known for their innovative and effective campaign strategies that have helped numerous candidates secure victories in tough races.

The project, aptly named “Insider NJ,” aims to provide a comprehensive and insightful look into the world of New Jersey politics. With a focus on uncovering the latest trends, developments, and key players in the state’s political scene, Kim and Altman are set to offer a unique perspective that is sure to resonate with both insiders and outsiders alike.

One of the key aspects of Insider NJ is its commitment to providing unbiased and accurate information to its readers. Kim and Altman have made it clear that their goal is to offer a platform where individuals can access reliable and up-to-date political news and analysis without any partisan bias. This dedication to transparency and integrity sets Insider NJ apart from other political news outlets and ensures that readers can trust the information they receive.

In addition to their commitment to providing high-quality journalism, Kim and Altman are also focused on fostering a sense of community among their readers. Through interactive features such as live Q&A sessions, forums, and networking events, Insider NJ aims to create a space where individuals can engage with one another and exchange ideas on the issues that matter most to them.

Overall, the collaboration between Mike Kim and Steve Altman on Insider NJ is poised to be a game-changer in the world of New Jersey politics. With their wealth of experience, innovative approach, and dedication to providing accurate and unbiased information, Kim and Altman are set to make a lasting impact on the state’s political landscape. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting new project!