Sayegh to Host Fundraiser for Jacobs in Atlantic County – Insider NJ

Sayegh to Host Fundraiser for Jacobs in Atlantic County - Insider NJ

Paterson Mayor Andre Sayegh was in Atlantic County tonight, fundraising at the home of power broker Joe Jacobs.

Sayegh has gotten around the state, particularly over the course of the past year, connecting with Somerset leaders, among others.

Tonight, he made Atlantic County his destination, where he joined Atlantic City Mayor Marty Small and other guests of Jacobs.

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Atlantic County Democratic Chairman Michael Suleiman Sayegh is set to host a fundraiser for Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo and Freeholder Ashley Bennett in Atlantic County. The event will take place on Friday, October 15th at the Atlantic City Country Club.

The fundraiser is aimed at supporting Mazzeo and Bennett in their reelection campaigns, as well as helping to raise funds for the Democratic Party in Atlantic County. Sayegh, who has been a prominent figure in the local Democratic Party for many years, is known for his ability to bring together a diverse group of supporters and raise significant amounts of money for candidates.

Assemblyman Mazzeo and Freeholder Bennett are both well-respected members of the Democratic Party in Atlantic County. Mazzeo has been serving in the New Jersey General Assembly since 2014 and has been a strong advocate for issues such as healthcare, education, and economic development. Bennett, who was elected as Freeholder in 2017, has been a vocal advocate for women’s rights, environmental protection, and social justice.

The fundraiser is expected to draw a large crowd of supporters, including local politicians, community leaders, and residents who are passionate about supporting Democratic candidates in Atlantic County. The event will feature speeches from Mazzeo, Bennett, and Sayegh, as well as networking opportunities for attendees to connect with like-minded individuals who share their values and beliefs.

Overall, the fundraiser hosted by Sayegh is expected to be a successful event that will help to raise much-needed funds for Mazzeo and Bennett’s reelection campaigns, as well as strengthen the Democratic Party’s presence in Atlantic County. Supporters are encouraged to attend and show their support for these two dedicated public servants who are working hard to make a positive impact on their community.