Bill Hayden’s Struggles with Red Meat Consumption – Insights from Insider NJ

Bill Hayden's Struggles with Red Meat Consumption - Insights from Insider NJ

William Hayden has long been a familiar presence in right wing political circles.
I recall seeing him in Trenton during an anti-lockdown protest when he brushed aside what were then high approval marks for Phil Murphy with a pretty good quip:

“King George had high approval ratings.”

Hayden’s home is Frankford in Sussex County where he is president of the local Skylands Tea Party. More officially, he is serving his first term as a Sussex County Commissioner.

Hayden’s Tea Party Facebook page most recently had posts ridiculing both Nikki Haley and Kamala Harris. He gets points for bipartisanship.

Given the fact Sussex is probably the “reddest” region in New Jersey, you might think Hayden’s brand of conservatism would fit in quite nicely with his Republican surroundings.

Not the case.

Earlier this month, his peers on the Sussex Board of Commissioners “censured” Hayden for various misdeeds, including a somewhat bizarre accusation that he kept quiet a threat to “shoot up” the house of a county commissioner.

That commissioner was Jill Space, the board director. She talked about the threat at the meeting, saying Hayden’s reported refusal to make the threat known to authorities fills her with “utter disgust.”

But there was more.

The censure resolution also accuses Hayden of such things as having an improper relationship with a county employee and revealing matters discussed in closed session.

Some perspective is needed.

A “censure” is one of those terms that sounds worse than it is. In truth, it means very little. It is merely an official statement expressing displeasure with one board member.

This also illustrates an old adage about politics. When a political party has no opponents to fight – Democrats are not really a threat in Sussex – they fight among themselves. Democrats in Hudson have done this for years.

The censure resolution was about two weeks ago, but since then, things have begun to spin even faster,

The Sussex County Republican Committee is out with a statement calling on Hayden to resign.

It also raises more damaging information. It says Hayden has lied about serving in the military. Here is a portion of the statement:

“After confirming various accounts from individuals who have known him for years, family relations through marriage, and our own direct experiences where he informed Sussex County Republican leaders, numerous volunteers, and elected officials, and claimed in public meetings to have combat experience, we found freedom of information act requests showing he was never a Navy SEAL or served in the Naval Service. We conclude that he has disrespected all veterans and misrepresented himself to our party and the public.”

The statement concludes:

“Hayden’s betrayal of friends, supporters, voters and the county is clearly evident at this point. If there is one honorable thing left for him to do, it is to resign and cease disgracing the office of County Commissioner. Enough.”

I reached out to Hayden Thursday via his county email, but have not yet gotten a response.

On one of his social media pages, however, one finds a column by the “Sussex Watchdog” that suggests Hayden’s woes commenced when he asked about alleged “financial irregularities at the Sussex County Social Services Food Pantry.”

It compares the censure charges against Hayden to something out of the pages of Kafka, or more specifically, his novel, “The Trial.”

Hayden himself was not as literary. On his Facebook page is the following:

“Doing to me, what they did to Trump … once you drain the swamp, the snakes show themselves!!”

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Bill Hayden, a well-known figure in the world of politics, has recently opened up about his struggles with red meat consumption. In an exclusive interview with Insider NJ, Hayden shared his journey and the challenges he has faced in trying to cut back on his intake of red meat.

Hayden revealed that he has always been a meat lover, but over the years he has become more conscious of the impact that red meat consumption can have on his health. He explained that he has been trying to reduce his consumption of red meat in order to improve his overall health and well-being.

One of the main challenges Hayden has faced in cutting back on red meat is finding suitable alternatives that are both satisfying and nutritious. He admitted that it has been difficult to find plant-based options that can match the taste and satisfaction of a juicy steak or burger.

Despite the challenges, Hayden remains committed to reducing his red meat consumption and is actively seeking out new recipes and meal ideas that will help him make the transition to a more plant-based diet. He emphasized the importance of finding balance and moderation in one’s diet, and stressed the need for individuals to listen to their bodies and make choices that align with their personal health goals.

Hayden’s struggles with red meat consumption serve as a reminder of the importance of being mindful of our dietary choices and the impact they can have on our health. By sharing his journey, Hayden hopes to inspire others to consider their own consumption of red meat and make informed decisions about their diets.

In conclusion, Bill Hayden’s struggles with red meat consumption highlight the challenges that many individuals face when trying to make healthier dietary choices. By sharing his story, Hayden is encouraging others to be mindful of their food choices and take steps towards a healthier lifestyle.