Insider NJ Presents Julie Briggs’ Comprehensive Political Roundup of the Year

Insider NJ Presents Julie Briggs' Comprehensive Political Roundup of the Year

Title: Insider NJ Presents Julie Briggs’ Comprehensive Political Roundup of the Year


As the year comes to a close, it is time to reflect on the significant political events that have shaped New Jersey’s political landscape. Insider NJ is proud to present Julie Briggs’ comprehensive political roundup of the year, highlighting the key moments, controversies, and achievements that have defined the state’s political sphere in 2021.

1. Governor Phil Murphy’s Re-election:

One of the most significant political events of the year was Governor Phil Murphy’s successful re-election campaign. Despite facing tough competition, Murphy secured a second term, solidifying his position as New Jersey’s leader. His victory highlighted his administration’s accomplishments and set the stage for continued progress in areas such as education, healthcare, and environmental protection.

2. COVID-19 Response and Vaccination Efforts:

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic remained a dominant force in New Jersey politics throughout 2021. Governor Murphy’s handling of the crisis, including implementing restrictions and vaccination efforts, played a crucial role in shaping public opinion. The state’s aggressive vaccination campaign helped to curb the spread of the virus and allowed for a gradual return to normalcy.

3. Infrastructure Investments:

New Jersey witnessed significant infrastructure investments in 2021, with a focus on improving transportation networks, water systems, and renewable energy infrastructure. The state government allocated substantial funds to repair aging roads and bridges, expand public transportation options, and promote clean energy initiatives. These investments aimed to enhance connectivity, create jobs, and address long-standing infrastructure challenges.

4. Criminal Justice Reforms:

New Jersey continued its commitment to criminal justice reforms in 2021. The state implemented measures to reduce mass incarceration, improve police-community relations, and enhance rehabilitation programs for offenders. Notable reforms included the decriminalization of marijuana possession and the expansion of diversionary programs for non-violent offenders. These efforts aimed to create a fairer and more equitable criminal justice system.

5. Environmental Initiatives:

Environmental issues took center stage in New Jersey’s political discourse this year. The state made significant strides in combating climate change, promoting renewable energy, and protecting natural resources. Governor Murphy’s administration set ambitious goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, expanding offshore wind energy, and preserving open spaces. These initiatives aimed to position New Jersey as a leader in environmental sustainability.

6. Education Reforms:

Education remained a key focus in 2021, with efforts to improve access, equity, and quality of education across the state. New Jersey implemented measures to address educational disparities, expand early childhood education programs, and increase funding for public schools. The state also prioritized mental health support for students, recognizing the impact of the pandemic on their well-being.


New Jersey’s political landscape in 2021 was marked by significant achievements, challenges, and reforms. Governor Phil Murphy’s re-election, the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, infrastructure investments, criminal justice reforms, environmental initiatives, and education reforms were among the key highlights of the year. As we look ahead to 2022, it is crucial to build upon these accomplishments and continue working towards a better and more inclusive future for all New Jersey residents.